Zero Compromise Filament Clip

Zero Compromise Filament Clip


Print Profile(4)

X1 Carbon

PETG - Filament Retainers - qty 100
PETG - Filament Retainers - qty 100
2.9 h
1 plate

PLA - Filament Retainers - qty 100
PLA - Filament Retainers - qty 100
2.9 h
1 plate

ABS - Filament Retainers - qty 100
ABS - Filament Retainers - qty 100
2.7 h
1 plate

ASA - Filament Retainers - qty 100
ASA - Filament Retainers - qty 100
2.7 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


UPDATE: Important for BAMBU AMS users: Attach this clip to the right side of the spool. There is a channel on the left side of the AMS that this will catch on otherwise.

UPDATE2: Some have been saying there is a problem with the 3mf file and it is not printing correctly. I provided an STL file in the mean time and those same people say it works fine. I have tried the 3mf file with a few different sliver and machines, as well as trying with .4 and .6 nozzles and layer heights from .16-.2; in all this testing I have not had any issues with the 3mf file but if you are having problems please try the STL.

UPDATE3: theSecond55 pointed out that there are multiple types of 2s tape and some of them are not ideal for this device. I specifically have been using this with great success. The foam type of tape will push the clip out and will cause the filament to snag on occasion. I have also tried buying sheets of sticker paper so I could make a bunch of these at once but that failed spectacularly. I recently started using this with the same idea in mind. So far they have been working but I have not been using it as long as the first tape I recommended.

UPDATE4: This clip is compatible with the AMS Lite and will work without issue on either side of the spool. But if you have a regular AMS I still recommend placing them on the right side of the spool to avoid problems with sharing a spool between the two.

UPDATE5:I have added print profiles for the most common filament types including PLA. If printing in PLA - Do not use with filaments other than PLA as filament dryers can deform PLA at higher temperatures.


I have been on the quest for the perfect filament retaining clip for a while. I have designed a few rather … lets say eccentric clips but they were not good. I frequently search for new clips but could never find one that checked all the boxes. Those boxes being:

  • reliable
  • easy to use
  • quick to print
  • does not hang on the outside of the spool (I want to stack spools on their side)
  • won't get lost but is not intended to remain on the filament while printing
  • doesn't wear out with repeated use
  • doesn't require thinking about how to use
  • won't damage the filament

Its a tall order and for a long time my quest seemed in vain. Then inspiration struck. This is the first version of a filament clip I am actually proud to show off. It is intended to be attached to the spool with either super glue or 2 sided tape. I am using 2 sided take and if you choose to use super glue make sure to use the gel kind and ensure that is doesn't leak onto your filament.

As you can imagine, this clip is intended to remain attached to the spool until you are done with it. As such, I had to design it not only low profile but with contours that would allow the filament to slide past it and not get hung up. Once you are finished with the spool you can pry it off and reuse it or print a new one. It uses very little filament and prints very fast so you might just throw them away.

To my knowledge, I am the first to design a clip like this. I could be wrong and feel free to tell me if I am but I have never seen one like it before.

I hope you enjoy the clip and find it as useful as I do.

Comment & Rating (4)

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je pourrais montrer toutes mes bobines avec ce super système pourquoi je n'y ai pas pensé. merci pour ce partage
The designer has replied
Your welcome. I am so glad you like it.
Print Profile
PETG - Filament Retainers - qty 100
Nice. Thanks!
Print Profile
PLA - Filament Retainers - qty 100
No more