Pill-Popper / The Ultimate Helper

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Pill-Popper / The Ultimate Helper


Print Profile(8)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

PLA: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
PLA: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
27 min
1 plate

PLA with Top-Surface Ironing: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
PLA with Top-Surface Ironing: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
28 min
1 plate

PETG: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
PETG: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
32 min
1 plate

PLA with Brim: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
PLA with Brim: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
29 min
1 plate
Click to see more



Version V2 with Pill-Collector now available:


It's Made to Help !

I am very proud to present you the Pill-Popper.


It has always been my desire to help other people.

This is the reason why this tool was born.


It is created for people with osteoarthritis, gout or similar diseases that affecting hand abilities / skills.


Simply place your pill strips between the two legs, with the pill facing up and press them together.

The perfectly shaped push button is specially designed, so that the pills do not break while you push them out.

There is also a ribbed area at the back of the tool that provides better grip and indicates the user the ideal pressure point.



  • Place your pill strips between these two legs, with pills facing up: Max diameter of Pills that fit through: 10.6mm
  • Place the pill strip base on the bottom hole and align it with the spherical shaped push button.
  • Then simply press both halves together. That's all.


  • For better grip, I added a ribbed spot at the back.
  • It also indicates the perfect pressure point.


Let's help other people together by providing them with this simple tool.

Let us all make the world a little better.

3D Printing solves Problems!

Print Settings:

0.2mm Layer Height, 3 Walls, 0% Infill

Maximum Pill-Size in diameter that fits through: 10.6mm

Comment & Rating (77)

Please fill in your opinion

I printed 12 of your Pill-Poppers and distributed them as little gift in our retirement home next door to me. My Friend... I have seen both, young and old people cry with joy. I never thought it would affect me that much but I had to cry too. In my opinion you should deserve a huge price and alot of respect for this design. Thank you very much for sharing. Something as useful as this amazing gadget doesn't come along often. Beautiful day my friend. Thumbs up and Hats off.
The designer has replied
I never expected such a reaction. I would like to thank you with both, a laughing and a crying eye. I am deeply pleased that I was able to bring joy to you and the people around you. I wish you a nice day and all the best. Thank you very much for your kind words and your great review. It means alot to me.
Print Profile
PLA: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
great print! thanks
The designer has replied
Hallo. Thank you very much for downloading my model and for your 5-Star-Rating. Your Make looks very good to me. Have a nice day and Happy printing. Just in case you missed it: There is also a version V2 with a collector box for the pills available. :-)
Replying to @Mr.B :
I'm not sure if this was your intention, but these successfully poke through the foil with the white liners over it. Those white liners that are a pain to try and peel off. I can now get my pills out without pulling that back. This also works on soft pills (dissolvable on the tongue pills). I'm printing out the version 2 now.
Replying to @bdwilson :
Hello again. I'am really happy that it works so good for you. I tested alot of blister-packs to ensure a perfect workflow. Sadly I never had one with those white liners. If I can do anything for you, let me know. Have a nice day and Happy printing.
Print Profile
PLA with Top-Surface Ironing: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
Nice model, that Works perfectly. only “issue” is that it Can be too good - if not carefull it pushes the pills all the Way through, with the risk of dropping Them. in a “v2”, perhaps some “fences” could be added Down the sides, thst could catch the pills if this happens - but it has to bot interfere with the pushing/vending mechanism, so not sure if possible
The designer has replied
Thank you very much for your kind words and your 5-Star-Rating. I'm currently working on a version that does exactly what you want. I still need a little time. Have a nice day and Happy printing my friend. Your ideas are really welcome.
Hello Sir. I finally had time to finish version v2. I hope you like it. The "issue" with that it can be too Good should be solved now. :-) https://makerworld.com/en/models/227152#profileId-244830
Print Profile
PLA: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
Works as designed
The designer has replied
Hello. Thank you very much for downloading the Pill-Popper and for your 5-Star-Rating. Have a nice day and Happy printing.
Print Profile
PLA: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
One side lifted slightly because it didnt have a brim, but it still works. Thank you.
The designer has replied
Thank you very much for your 5 Star rating. I printed over 20 of them and had no adhesion issues. I will upload a Brim Version tonight. Just in Case
Replying to @Mr.B :
I probably just need to clean my plate, so that's why I still gave it a 5*. People be putting lower ratings lately for user errors and its not right to the designers.
Replying to @Quantum.Grower :
There should be a lot more honest people like you. I'm really happy with how positive and honest you are my friend. I would like to thank you very much for your comment. You are a real hero. I'm quite honest... I have exactly the same feeling as you about the people who blame it on the designer. Again.... Thank you soooo much for your honest review and you 5-Star Rating. I raise the energy drink I just opened and drink to you. You absolutely fit into this world. Have a nice day my friend.
Print Profile
PLA: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
could do with a brim or something maybe? loved the item but had to print in “silent” to slow it down as didn’t stick to bed with small surface area. May be due to my room being cold/drafts etc though not sure
The designer has replied
Hello. Thank you for your rating. I printed over 20 of them without having any issues. If you really need a version with a brim, I will upload one tonight.
Replying to @Mr.B :
no worries, really glad it worked for you without! like I said pretty sure it was down to a cold drafty room then if no one else reported issues. no need to upload. thanks so much for the model!
Replying to @user_347409441 :
Hello Sir. I'm glad it works for you. There is absolutely no need to use a brim. But I really want to help you out. For the sake of honor..... 4 new print profiles are available right now :-) Have a nice day and Happy printing.
Print Profile
PLA: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
habe die Tabletten Größe nicht berücksichtigt,hoffe das es jetzt passt
The designer has replied
Die Tabletten-Größe wurde exakt in der Beschreibung angegeben. Warum bitte gibst du mir eine 2-Sterne Bewertung. Findest du das wirklich in Ordnung, jemanden schlecht zu bewerten, für etwas was du in der Beschreibung hättest lesen können? Tut mir leid aber ich finde das absolut unfair von dir. Ich wünsche einen schönen Tag.
Hallo. Freut mich sehr das du deine Entscheidung nochmal überdacht hast. Bitte verstehe mich nicht falsch. Ich möchte hier auf keinen Fall um gute Bewertungen betteln oder sonstiges. Ich fand es einfach sehr unfair das ein Modell, welches durchgehend gute Bewertungen hat, auf Grund von "evtl. nicht lesen" der Beschreibung, schlecht bewertet wird. Versetz dich bitte einmal in die Lage von mir bzw. anderen Designern. Ich versuche hier anderen Menschen zu helfen ohne das ich dafür einen richtigen Gegenwert bekomme. Ich verdiene leider mit 3D-Designs kein Geld. Mein "Gegenwert" sind die Kommentare und Bewertungen der Benutzer. Das einzige was mich motiviert sind ehrliche und aufrichtige Meinungen derer die meine Modelle herunterladen und benutzen. Wenn du wirklich der Meinung bist das mein Modell deine Bewertung verdient hat, ist das für mich in Ordnung. Ich habe mich nur sehr gewundert das Ich eine schlechte Bewertung für eine Sache bekomme, die ich im Vorfeld in der Beschreibung vermerkt habe. Ich wollte dir in keiner Form nahe legen das du deine Bewertung verändern sollst. Ich wollte lediglich wissen ob du wirklich mit deiner vorherigen Bewertung zu frieden bist. Es ist auf keinen Fall mein Ziel, hier in dieser tollen Community, jemandem auf die Füße zu treten. Ich nehme an Bewertungen alles an was ich von dir und anderen hier auf Makerworld.com bekommen kann, sehr gerne an. Ich möchte dir trotz der kleinen Unstimmigkeiten einen schönen Tag wünschen und wie immer Happy printing. PS. Schreibe mir doch mal bitte im Chat welche Tabletten-Größe oder Form du benötigen würdest. Ich werde natürlich sofort nachschauen ob ich etwas machen kann.
Print Profile
PLA: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
The designer has replied
Thank you very much for your 5-Star-Rating. Have a nice day and Happy printing.
Replying to @Mr.B :
Weel tank you for this thing man. My wife had a major car accident and has serious damage. So this helps her out big time when i'm at work.
Replying to @NickR1983 :
Hello. First of all, I wish your wife all the best. Your kind words really touch me. This is exactly why I designed the Pill Popper. My mother had a stroke and since then she can no longer use her hands properly. She's very shaky and it's just difficult for her. My goal was to make her live and those of other affected people a little easier. Thank you again for your kind words and all the best to you and your wife. Your words mean more to me than any award. Have a beautiful day my friend.
Print Profile
PLA: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
good but only works for round pills.
The designer has replied
Hello. Thank you very much for downloading the Pill-Popper and for your rating. Yes you are right. It works just for round pills cause of the round hole. But this should already be clear from the pictures before printing. Have a nice day and Happy printing.
Print Profile
PETG: 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 0% infill
Definetely works better in PLA than ASA! :)
The designer has replied
Hello. You are right. I also tried ASA and ABS. No comparison to PLA or PETG :-) For this reason I decided to only upload a PLA and PETG Profile for perfect results. Thank you very much for downloading the Pill-Popper and for your 5-Star-Rating. Just in case you missed it...There is also a Version V2 with Pill-Collector available. https://makerworld.com/en/models/227152#profileId-244834 Have a nice day and Happy printing.