PTFE Radius Guide Assy V2

PTFE Radius Guide Assy V2


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11/11/22 - this model has been updated to a V2, as the V1 version was found in some instances to be making the problem it was designed to solve worse rather than better.

V2 has a greater radius for the filament, less of a downwards angle out of the end, and a modified swivel mount piece to ensure it remains in place in all bed locations (the old version used to come loose when the hot-end assembly was over the poop chute.


Created at the request of Wolf on Air (on the Bambu Lab Discord) who was intermittently having feed errors from the AMS unit.

It seems with some filaments, the small bend that can occur directly above the head assembly can cause too much friction.

This model is designed to:
a) ensure a minimum radius is maintained on this tubing
b) support the PTFE to ensure it's straight when entering the top of the the fitting on top of the extruder.

As an added benefit, this also stops the PTFE tube slapping against the top glass when printing on the right hand side of the bed.

I'd recommend printing in PETG, or similar moderately low friction filament filament with a moderately high glass transistion temperature.
0.16mm layers on a 0.4mm nozzle worked well for me with no post-processing (aside from removing the brim from the main part).
A brim may also be required on the smaller part if you have poor bed adhesion.

Best results also come from splitting the parts in the STEP file and printing by object rather than by layer.


Assembly and installation:

After printing, remove the brim from the main section and press the two parts firmly together.

Position the hot-end assembly at the centre rear of the machine (over the poop chute is fine), slide the PTFE tube through the guide and insert it into the fitting as normal.

Next, slide the guide down, and rotate it clockwise (to about the 07:30 position) until it drops down onto the plastic factory support.



Public domain - do what you like with this; I hope it's helpful.

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