Planter 21 - Hang In There, Set

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Planter 21 - Hang In There, Set


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SETTINGS / PRINTING (recommendation)

Filament: PETG or PLA. Please note that PLA can deform/break down in the sunlight. In addition, some types of PLA are biodegradable.
Print: 0.2mm
Nozzle: 0.4mm

Support, planter A: Most likely it is required (inside of the bowl), but I'm not 100% certain. It all depends on your printer's calibration, filament type, temperatures, etc. No matter what, you won't see that particular part even if the bridging of outer layers fails. Print on the backside
Support, planter A No Support: Not required, but the area inside of the bowl is smaller (only for those people who hate supports…), print on the backside
Support, planter B: Not required, print 1x on the bottom

Brim, planter A: Not required
Brim, planter B: Required, 5mm (you can also use raft)

Infill: 15-25%
Perimeters: at least 2, best 3 (minimizing probability of holes and water damage to your table)
Vase mode: No. While it is tempting to 3D print planters in the Vase mode, there is not enough fusion between the layers. In addition, a few micro-holes may appear during the sanding/handling of the finished planter. The water will find its way, even through a rock, so there's no reason to risk it.


- If you are really worried that the planter might leak, use a waterproof sealant spray (for example Rust-Oleum Crystal Clear) inside of the planter, 3-4 coatings should be enough.
You could also read the official Prusa blog post “Watertight 3D printing PT1: Vases, cups and other open models”.

- To make the planter smooth and shiny, you could use sandpaper, prime it, (spray)paint it a couple of times and use a varnish coat on top.


Happy Printing!


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