Bambu Lab P4 (Post-Print Processing Platform)

Bambu Lab P4 (Post-Print Processing Platform)


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

Creator's Profile 4 wall loops, 15% gyroid infill, hybrid tree supports for long bridges, no brim
Creator's Profile 4 wall loops, 15% gyroid infill, hybrid tree supports for long bridges, no brim
33.8 h
3 plates

ADDED TRAY. all default creator settings
ADDED TRAY. all default creator settings
19.5 h
3 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


After almost 2 months now of 3D printing I found the counter next to my printer became cluttered with dozens of old calibration lines and I was setting the plate on whatever I had there, old boxes or filament rolls, while I cleaned off the calibration lines. I was bending the plate on the edge of the counter, often getting the plate dirty in the process as I had to set it down to change grip to bend it in the other direction. I also found that putting the Bambu Lab scraper back in it's little holder was a two handed job and a bit awkward.

I thought if I had a little platform that was airy underneath so it would cool faster while I cleaned off the calibration lines, along with a little garbage bin for the scrap and an integrated scraper holder that you could just sort of toss the scraper into one-handed that would be handy, so I designed this. I call it the Post-Print Processing Platform, or P4 ('cause why not).

The Bambu Lab plates pop onto the tab holder easily and the air underneath allows the plate to cool fast. The little bins on each side sort of “snap” on and off for easy emptying if used for scrap. The 45 degree “Y” shape makes it easy to bend the plate in both directions if needed.

The long bridging requires supports and they were tricky to get just right. I've included a .3mf file this time along with the .step file that should include the settings I used in Bambu Studio, but in case you have to do from scratch I had the following in addition to the standard settings:

  • 4 wall loops
  • 15% Gyroid infill
  • I used PLA Support filament for the support interface with:
    • Auto tree (hybrid) supports
    • Supports “On build plate only”
    • 10mm tree support branch diameter
    • 15mm tree support brim width
    • 15 degree pattern angle
    • 3 top interface layers
    • Rectilinear interface pattern
    • 0.1 top interface spacing
  • I used no brim for the parts, just the supports
  • To make the prime tower fit I had to make it 15mm in width and to avoid red bleeding into the white I upped the prime print volume to 100 mm3 although that was probably overkill.
  • For the Side Bins I used Normal (auto) supports with same interface settings as above.

The filament used here is Bambu Lab Marble for both colors and PLA Support for the interface.


Comment & Rating (16)

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Print Profile
Creator's Profile 4 wall loops, 15% gyroid infill, hybrid tree supports for long bridges, no brim
added a tray instead of the scrapper holder. perfect print. sides are pressfit. I like it. I used eSun blue silk PLA and eSun black PLA
The designer has replied
Nice color. Happy to see people tweaking my creations.
Print Profile
Creator's Profile 4 wall loops, 15% gyroid infill, hybrid tree supports for long bridges, no brim
it will not allow me to just rate the design I did not use the author's profile but I really like this design. I followed his instructions for supports but set the walls and infill to what I wanted them today. I beefed them up because I prefer things stronger. I also only printed the stand so far and find it pretty amazing as you can see the plate fits perfectly. if I have to find one thing to criticize it would be the way the top of the plate holder prints and this is a very minor complaint.
Print Profile
ADDED TRAY. all default creator settings
Like this a lot. I've used it several times with both Bambu and other plates. Works to hold it in and help get it cleaned while keeping me organized.
Print Profile
Creator's Profile 4 wall loops, 15% gyroid infill, hybrid tree supports for long bridges, no brim
Very nice print. Best sports I have seen yet. Thanks you very much.
Print Profile
ADDED TRAY. all default creator settings
I love this model. I wanted a place to cool my plate after prints but man you blew it out of the park. the plate is locked in within millimeters so it doesn't rattle on top. I applied some rubber strips to the bottom so it doesn't slide on my glass desk. The bin for the scraps is great. and since I do not use a scraper I put my flushcutters right in it and they fit perfectly and I lay my bed cleaning cloth in the other sides bin along with needle nose.
Print Profile
Creator's Profile 4 wall loops, 15% gyroid infill, hybrid tree supports for long bridges, no brim
Perfect little kit - using it basicly every time I'm taking the plate out my printer. Sturdy enough to take a minor beating!
love this design.
neat i might print this!
Print Profile
Creator's Profile 4 wall loops, 15% gyroid infill, hybrid tree supports for long bridges, no brim
Print Profile
ADDED TRAY. all default creator settings