Gears II. (A Little Mechanic) - Carousels

Gears II. (A Little Mechanic) - Carousels


Print Profile(2)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

Gears II. (Little Mechanic) - Carousels - A1 mini
Gears II. (Little Mechanic) - Carousels - A1 mini
7.8 h
7 plates

Gears II. (Little Mechanic) - Carousels - P1P
Gears II. (Little Mechanic) - Carousels - P1P
7.1 h
7 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


Some video in action on my Instagram




More models here


Allow me to introduce you to Gear II (from the Little Mechanic Edition). It is a set of several gears that can be printed and used in any quantity. The whole "jigsaw puzzle" is enriched with two carousels and other attractions should be added in time.
I recommend securing the pins that are inserted into the cube with secondary glue in case they are too "loose". On the other hand, the wheels have a larger clearance, but even if there is a problem with that, dry soap or dust from dry soap will help.
The individual parts of the blocks have "keys" between them that hold the blocks together, they loosen over time, in case you feel that it is too "stiff", you can gently grind the hardened keys on the sides of the block with three protrusions. For possible disconnection, it is enough to turn the cube through the "hinge/key" by 180 degrees.
As for the carousel with seats, I recommend stretching the seat through the roof and securing it with a piece of filament and using glue.
Everything is in a state where it is still being developed, it has not been tested much, but everything seemed to be functional.
You can change the colors of the carousel with seats, as well as the carousel with cars, just by setting it in the slicer (even with the help of pauses and manual change on Bambu printers, and automatically with the help of AMS)
The whole model can be printed with a layer height of 0.28, however, I would recommend printing 0.12 for the seat carousel
The entire model, except for the seats and the carousel with seats, can be printed without supports, these two parts will be mentioned with a support.
Watch for my other models and possibly expanded editions. :)


Dalsi modely zde


Dovolte, abych Vam predstavil Gear II (z edice Little Mechanic). Jedna se o soustavu nekolik ozubenych kolecek, ktere se daji vytisknout a pouzit v libovolnem mnozstvi. Cela "skladacka" je obohacena o dva kolotoce a casem by mely pribyt dalsi atrakce.
Doporucuji piny, ktere se vkladaji do kostky v pripade ze by byly moc "volne", zajistit vterinovym lepidlem. Naopak kolecka sice maji nastavenou vetsi vuli ale i kdyby s tim byl problem, pomuze suche mydlo, nebo prach ze sucheho mydla.
Jednotlive dily kostek mezi sebou maji "klice" ktere drzi kostky u sebe, casem se povoli, v pripade ze by jste meli pocit ze je to moc "tuhe" je mozno mirne zbrousit vystople klice na stranach kostky s tremi vybezky. Pro pripadne odpojeni staci kostku otocit pres "pant/klice" o 180 stupnu.
Co se tyce kolotoce se sedackami, doporucuji sedacku protahnout strechou a zajistit kouskem filamentu a pomoci lepidla.
Vse je ve stavu, kdy se to jeste vyviji, nebylo moc testovano, nicmene zdalo se vse funkcni.
Barvy kolotoce se sedackami, stejne tak kolotoce s auticky muzete libovolne zmenit pouhym nastavenim ve sliceru (at uz pomoci pauzy a manualni vymene na Bambu tiskarnach, tak automaticky pomoci AMS)
Cely model je mozne tisknout vyskou vrstvy 0,28, nicmene sedacky kolotoce bych doporucil tisknout 0,12
Cely model krom sedacek a kolotoce ze sedackami je mozne tisknout bez podper, tyto dve zminene casti s podperou.
Sledujte moje dalsi modely a pripadne rozsireni teto edice. :)


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