Updated: Bambu appropriate hotends box with modified inlay tray (Magnet and Angled JST Tweezers)

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Updated: Bambu appropriate hotends box with modified inlay tray (Magnet and Angled JST Tweezers)

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Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
3.8 h
4 plates



Updated 12 July 2023:

  • Added a space for a 1.5mm Allen Key (used for filament cutter handle release)
  • Added a groove next to the Allen keys and the Nozzle cleaner needle to make it easier to remove the required tool.
  • Added 4 deferent magnet layout (listed from the strongest to the weakest)
  1. 1x (15x2mm) magnet and 2x (4x3mm) magnet
  2. 1x (15x2mm) magnet and 2x (4x2mm) magnet
  3. 5x (4x3mm) magnet
  4. 6x (4x2mm) magnet


Note for 1 & 2: The 2x of (4x3mm or 4x2mm) are just to support the Allen Keys orientation but the single 15x2mm magnet is actually holding everything in place.

Note for 4: unless you flip the tray upside down and start shaking it, every thing should stay in place.

General Note:

  • Depends on your printer dimensional accuracy and the actual dimension of the magnets (I have measured some differences within the once I have), All the magnets should be press fit (however they should be tighter than the previous version).
    • TIP: If it’s hard to push them then just attach them to the tip of a pillar and push them in, and if they are loss add a drop of glue.
  • I tested this using both 0.2-layer height and pushed at layer 47- and 0.28-layer height and pushed at layer 34


And just in case you’re wandering I’m using option #3, its easier to remove the tools when needed (attached a photo showing magnet locations)


If you have any issues printing this or with the fitment, please let me know.




Original post:

I like the design by cHaOt166, it’s what I needed.

But I also like the remix of Angled JST Tweezers by chiz

So, I modified cHaOt166 inlay tray design

  • Made it so it could fit the Angled Tweezers
  • Added 3 (4x3mm) magnets to hold the Nozzle cleaner needle and the Allen key


  • After I finished printing, I decided to added the Nozzle cleaner needle magnet in the modified design so you can’t see it in picture but it should be fine to print (if not just let me know)
  • I found that 1 magnet is enough to hold the Allen Key, but I kept both allocated places in case someone needed it (or the Allen Key used is heavier or larger than what I used)

If you decide to install the magnets just push the printer at layer 34, drop in the magnets and resume the printing normally


Also remember that in cHaOt166 design there is some extra tray styles that you might consider

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