Welby Clock

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Welby Clock

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Print Profile(3)

X1 Carbon

Face and Rear Plate - Textured Build Plate
Face and Rear Plate - Textured Build Plate
3.3 h
2 plates

Decorations - Smooth Plate
Decorations - Smooth Plate
43 min
1 plate

Body Tubes - Smooth Plate
Body Tubes - Smooth Plate
8.4 h
2 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


Remix of mitchrichie's excellent clock. I used different textured plates and an AMS to add detail to the face. I redrew the legs to be slimmer. I added features to lock the face and rear plate in place better. I also made the finger hole on the back a little bigger for my sausage fingers. I ended up having to remodel the whole thing and ended up with a slightly different shape to the face.



  • Face and Rear Plate: Print face down on a textured plate. This adds a nice texture to the face and rear plate. I used a flat black PLA and Geeetech Metal-Like Shiny Silk Bronze Rainbow PLA for the inlay. No supports.
  • Decorations: The buttons, bars, and clock hands should be printed face down on the smoothest build plate you have. I used a smooth PEA plate that gives a mirror like finish. Print with a matching bronze like filament to the inlay on the face plate - I used the same Geeetech filament. No supports.
  • Legs: Print upside down from the same bronze filament. No supports.
  • Adjusters: These are the three decorations that go in the face plate that mimic the clock adjusters on the original. I printed these from a dark gray PLA. Use your most reliable build plate - I used a smooth PEI plate. No supports.
  • Body tubes: there are two of these - the main tube and an insert that will go between the face and rear plates. Use your most reliable build plate (smooth PEI for me). Print the main tube rear side down (the front side has the lip on it). Use supports on the main tube, no supports on the rear tube. The main tube also prints OK with no supports, but it's cleaner with them due to the overhang.


  1. Use four M2 x 8mm screws to attach the legs to the main body tube.
  2. Insert the decorations into the front plate. You may want to use a drop of CA glue on the back side to hold some of them in place.
  3. Insert the front plate into the main body tube.
  4. Install your clock movement into the face plate, and press fit the arms onto the movement. You may need to utilize the CAD files to adjust to your movement's parts. I used this movement: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PKJWXBS?th=1
  5. Insert the insert tube into the main body tube. It will push up flush against the front plate.
  6. Insert the rear plate into the main body tube - put it in bottom side first to catch on the two ridges before pushing the top into place. It should be a snug fit.

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