CHOMPi - Your Towel Buddy!

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CHOMPi - Your Towel Buddy!


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 20% infill
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 20% infill
20.1 h
4 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


Introducing CHOMPi, the ultimate beach buddy you never knew you needed! Meet this adorable, dino-shaped beach towel clamp designed to keep your towel exactly where you want it—whether you're staking it down in the sand or securing it to your beach chair.


CHOMPi isn’t just another cute face on the beach. This little dino is equipped with a highly sophisticated print-in-place four-bar linkage system that’s as complex as it is effective. With its over-center detent mechanism, CHOMPi snaps and locks into place with a satisfying click, ensuring your towel stays put even on the windiest days.


Imagine lounging by the shore without constantly battling a runaway towel. CHOMPi’s interchangeable parts let you effortlessly switch between sturdy sand stakes and versatile chair clips, adapting to your beach setup in seconds. Whether you’re enjoying a sunny day on the sand or relaxing by the pool, CHOMPi’s got your towel covered.


But wait, there's more! Please enjoy a custom case for your CHOMPi kit. This case has also been designed with a printed-in-place lever mechanism, snap-and-lock pins, and a fitted organizer tray to hold all your parts. Not only is it functional, but it also features a fun design that complements CHOMPi’s playful personality.


Embrace the convenience and charm of CHOMPi, the tiny T-Rex that’s big on keeping your beach days hassle-free!


Thank you for your support! I have more technical projects in the pipeline. Please follow me to get notifications as soon as they're released.


Printed Materials

  • CHOMPi
    • BamBu PETG Orange (Shown)
    • Bambu PLA Tough Red (Test)
    • Bambu PLA Matte White (Test)
    • SUNSENKJ PLA - Chameleon Blue (Test)
  • Case
    • BamBu PETG White (Shown)
    • BamBu PETG Black (Shown)

Printing Details


This advanced print relies on small clearance fits and tight tolerances. It is crucial to ensure that your printer is well-calibrated and maintained. Additionally, make sure the build plate is thoroughly cleaned before each print. Poor bed adhesion can cause surface imperfections, such as "spaghetti" prints, and lead to print failures.


Customized Slicer Settings



  • 4 Wall Loops
  • 20% Infill
  • Gyroid Infill Pattern


CHOMPi Linkage & Lever

  • 100% Infill
  • Rectilinear Infill Pattern

Post Print Process




Case Assembly







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