Uno Card Box - SnapLock

Remixed by

Uno Card Box - SnapLock

Remixed by

Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon
A1 mini

0.24mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.24mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
2.8 h
2 plates

0.24mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.24mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
3 h
2 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


In the family we have many card games, we like them a lot.

Many of these games have their own cases, made of reinforced cardboard or durable plastic. Sometimes, however, the packages are not so good, perhaps they are made of light cardboard and do not have a suitable container to protect the cards. If they then pass into the hands of children, these packages have a short life.

I searched a lot among the various designer creations on the web, but often they weren't to my liking or maybe they needed hardware or other accessories to be assembled and I didn't like it.

By chance I came across a box that more or less met my needs. The creator, Hugo, whom I thank very much for the work he has done, has made the fusion file with parametric model available.
He does not require external accessories for assembly, so no screws, no pieces of filament or no iron wires to cut to size!
I downloaded it, made some changes to make it more suitable for my needs (Fillet, Draft etc.), I made a couple of test prints and I realized I had found what I was looking for.

It's perfect, my son and my wife approved, so I started creating various boxes of the dimensions we needed, I designed the internal modules to contain the cards and I personalized the lids with the logos of the various games.


This one in particular is for the classic UNO game, a game that in my opinion should not be missing from the collection of anyone who loves playing cards.


In my profile you will find other customizations and other sizes suitable for the various games we have at home.


Good fun




In famiglia abbiamo molti giochi di carte, ci piacciono molto.

Molti di questi giochi hanno le loro custodie, in cartone rinforzato o in plastica resistente. A volte però le confezioni non sono così valide, magari sono di cartoncino leggero e non hanno un contenitore adatto a proteggere le carte. Se poi passano nelle mani dei bambini queste confezioni hanno vita breve.

Ho cercato molto tra le varie creazioni dei designer sul web, ma spesso non erano di mio gradimento o magari avevano bisogno di ferramenta o altri accessori per essere assemblate e la cosa non mi piaceva.

Casualmente mi sono imbattuto in una scatola che rispondeva, più o meno, alle mie esigenze. Il creatore, Hugo, che ringrazio tantissimo per il lavoro che ha fatto, ha messo a disposizione il file di fusion con modello parametrico.
Non necessita di accessori esterni per l'assemblaggio, quindi niente viti, niente pezzi di filamento o niente fili in ferro da tagliare a misura!
L'ho scaricato, ho fatto qualche modifica per renderla più adatta alla mie esigenze (Fillet, Draft ecc..), ho fatto un paio di stampe di test e ho capito di aver trovato quello che cercavo.

E' perfetta, mio figlio e mia moglie hanno approvato, così ho iniziato a creare varie scatole delle dimensioni a noi necessarie, ho disegnato i moduli interni per contenere le carte e ho personalizzato i coperchi con i loghi dei vari giochi.


Questa in particolare è per il gioco UNO classico, un gioco che secondo me non deve mancare nella collezione di chi ama giocare a carte.


Nel mio profilo troverete altre personalizzazioni e altre dimensioni adatte ai vari giochi che abbiamo in casa.


Buon divertimento

Comment & Rating (44)

Please fill in your opinion

Love the design, but I realised that I cannot fit in the cards since I have put them in protectors :D so they are larger. The the card in a protector is 58.7x90mm and the whole stack takes up to 51mm ;) Any chance you could provide step or fusion so I could make it a bit larger?
The designer has replied
Hi, as I wrote I published this project as a remix based on Hugo's original, you can find the link on the page. I made some changes to the original. Check if you can get what you need with that, otherwise as soon as I can I'll publish the fusion file of mine. Let me know
Print Profile
0.24mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
Looks great, I had a small issue with my first layer but it is something on my end not the print profile. I love it, going to print another for my nephew.
Print Profile
0.24mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
Good for UNO cards. Opening is a little too hard for younger kids.
Print Profile
0.24mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
great file!
Print Profile
0.24mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
very nice Box thank you
Print Profile
0.24mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
perfecte! els clips son segura i forts
nice finish and cliping
Print Profile
0.24mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
Thank you for this model. This is perfect. Again :-)
Print Profile
0.24mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
Print Profile
0.24mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill