Li'l Magnum! Fingertip Mouse Shell for VXE R1 Pro

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Li'l Magnum! Fingertip Mouse Shell for VXE R1 Pro


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The mouse needed a name, so it is now called the Lil Magnum!  Because it is small!


Be sure to check out the tips on successfully printing a good, light Li'l Magnum!


This is obviously inspired by Optimum Tech's Zeromouse and Zeromouse Blade, but using FDM and a more affordable donor mouse.


The thumb and finger rests are in a reasonable spot for me, and the buttons are lined up well.  The shell requires A LOT of bending and finagling of the button paddles to get the donor PCB installed.


The model is parametric, but it needs cleaning up.  I want to make it easy to adjust the offsets of the finger grabbies, but it is too messy for that so far.  I will post the OpenSCAD after I get it cleaned up.


My setup printed in PLA comes in at just over 21 grams with grip tape.


The button flapper paddles have less spring tension when printed with one perimeter instead of two, and the length of the plunger has been adjusted to make up for this.  I am using lightning infill, and I had to lower the “minimum sparse infill threshold” in Orcaslicer to 1 cubic mm to make sure the button arms would be hollow.  The width and thickness of the arms is dialed in for the springiness of PLA.

  • v0.1 - First working prototype
  • v0.2 - switches to separate wheel axle alignment piece
    • adds support pillars under buttons
    • adds slight angle to the finger and thumb grips
  • v0.2b - Slightly longer button plungers to work with a lighter print
  • v0.3 - Slightly lower left paddle, extra more lower right paddle
    • More extremely thin connectors across the bottom
    • Narrower button connectors
    • End stops to make the buttons feel nicer
  • v0.4 - Minor change to match R1-SE STL
    • lower the PCB 0.8 mm to match
    • lower button paddles 1 mm
  • v0.5 - Matching the PCB height of the R1-SE for v0.4 made my mouse jittery!
    •    Split the height difference to put both Pro and SE at a working height
  • v0.6 - Add chamfers to buttons for durability and longevity
  • v0.7 - Tweaks to the buttons to increase durability
    • Add lens support rails (adds about 0.12 grams)
    • Embracing supports and raising connector beams off build plate
  • v1.0 - Replicate the exact lens-holder setup from the R1 and R1 SE model
    • Arms for the side grips are angled up off the mousepad
    • Arms are a bit sturdier
      • removing the support material here is more persnickety
  • v1.2 - Reduced weight by more than 0.25 grams
    • Removed chunky undercarriage parts
      • Should be easier to support other mouse PCBs
    • Added parametric side braces



Comment & Rating (9)

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excellent case, not yet familiar, but I think it will pass, the only negative is that it did not work on glasspad, I had to file the bottom part
The designer has replied
Nice print, @sambleaz ! I would be curious to know what part of the shell was rubbing on your glass mousepad. I only have one of each PCB here to test with, so there may be some variations. And getting the SE lens to stay put in the right place took a lot of testing. Sometimes the lens doesn't like to click into its home quite as it should.
I really like this design, will you make it work with the pulsar X2V2?
The designer has replied
I have the start of a Pulsar X2 (I think V2?!) going. I placed the buttons and screw holes based using another mouse mod's STL file. I don't have a Pulsar mouse here to test it out, so that's as far as I got. I did not make an attempt to connect everything up cleanly yet. I could probably get that cleaned up if someone is willing to go through a few (possibly many! depends on how it goes!) printing iterations to get things dialed in correctly.
Replying to @patshead :
I have a pulsar x2v2, i can help you with this, but be aware, the x2v2 has a way smaller pcb than thx x2, its shorter, by this afternoon i wilm be able tp provide you with some measurements
Replying to @patshead :
hello, how is the project going? do you need some measurements ?
loved it! i looked for so many models because i wanted a zeromouse mod for my r1 pro cus i already did it to my logitech g102 and its very good
A little bit off topic but can u make an normal shell for the vxe r1 pro. I broke mine and i need an new one. Love the work btw!
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