Tangled Vine Trellis

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Tangled Vine Trellis


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This botanically themed trellis can be used in two different ways – either flat, or rolled into a tube. The Flat version is 1mm thick, but can be scales in the Z direction if you want it stiffer. The Rolled version is 0.6mm thick, allowing it to flex into a tube. A single panel can be rolled into a tube with the edges glued together, or you can chain multiple panels together for a larger diameter trellis.

The X and Y dimensions for both are about 245 x 245mm. The organic design is very forgiving so you should be able to set the X and Y scales independently to both fit your printer and fit your pot.

I printed mine in Galaxy Green PLA, but PETG would be a better choice for a thin, rollable version. Also, I used a concentric top and bottom infill for a more attractive pattern on the leaves.

To make a single section rolled-up version, just bend it around and superglue the edges together. There are raised lips on one edge to help keep the opposite edge aligned. I recommend wearing nitril of latex gloves as it is nearly impossible to hold the edges pressed together without also gluing your fingers to the print.

To make a multi-section trellis, first lay the panels out side-by-side flat and glue the adjoining edges. Then roll the whole thing into a tube and glue the final edge. To help keep everything in place when gluing the final edge, I taped both sides down to the table as shown in the photo below:

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