Deep within the Earth, where eternal darkness reigned, lived a peculiar serpent. Woven from fire and lava, his scales shimmered with the crimson hue of molten metal. His name was Ignis, and he was the guardian of the most precious treasure – a small, twinkling candle.
The candle was the last ember of ancient magic. It was a source of warmth and light, but also a powerful tool that could be used for both good and evil. And so, Ignis guarded it vigilantly.
Every night, he coiled around the candle, protecting it with his body. His heat kept the flame alive and simultaneously repelled the dark forces that might try to extinguish it. Ignis knew that the world needed light and warmth, and he was determined to preserve this hope.
Once, a dark sorcerer appeared, craving the power that the candle held. With his evil spells, he tried to extinguish the flame. Ignis resisted. His scales glowed white-hot, and his hiss echoed throughout the land.
The battle was long and fierce, but Ignis did not give up. In the end, he managed to defeat the sorcerer, and the candle remained safe. From then on, Ignis knew that his task was even more important than he had thought. And so, he continued to guard the candle, ready to protect it from any danger.
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