A1 Series MagSwap Visualizer

A1 Series MagSwap Visualizer


Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
31 min
3 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


Small little update (12/14/2023): Print profile is now available with all models on their own plate, along with I added a v2 for the smaller sized mount. The diameter has been decreased by 0.1mm, which should give a much more snug fit. If you find v1 to be a better fit, then use that instead.


With the release of the bigger A1, I have been informed that the toolheads are the same as the mini, so this mod should indeed be compatible with that printer.


Why I did this

I love the designs of visualizers that could be attached to your printer, but most use magnets to attach to it, where the A1 Mini doesn't really allow you to do that on the toolhead. I have spent probably way too long to measure the exact dimensions and clearances that would allow this mod to fit snuggly.



This mod will require you to remove the clear window on your A1 Mini's toolhead cover. Do not fret, however, as it is very simple to re-attach the window.



Why did I name it MagSwap? It's a simple name to reference this model, along with that you can easily magnetically swap between visualizer models with relative ease.


How to install

It's pretty easy to install this to the extruder, and you will pretty much only need to do this once


What you need:

  • This model in any color you like
  • 8mm x 3mm neodymium magnet
  • Glue (If needed)


  1. Remove toolhead cover
  2. Detach the toolhead cover window
  3. Install magnet into the printed model
  4. Remove the existing visualizer off the extruder
  5. Slide the printed model onto the extruder
  6. Place toolhead cover back

And just like that, you are all done!


While prototyping this design, I have noticed that the clearances isn't always consistent, and the magnet either fits in tight or gets loose when the diameter hasn't changed. In this case, apply some glue in the slot where the magnet goes. If your printer has clearances that are much further off than my printer, I have also uploaded the f3d file as well.


And one more thing….

I'd like to give a big shoutout to TheBear for their collection extruder icons! They actually were a base inspiration for this mod.

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