This is 3D printable model of the Sovereing Class NCC-1701-E Enterprise from the Star Trek. It is a kit. Apart from the thrusters, which have to be glued in place, there is no further need for any glue and the model could be assembled as a kit. The different colored parts are separated for easier printing.
I am limited by free display space, thus the ship is designed in the scale like this. Unfortunately this scale negates some details. Thus, if you have the space, I recommend to print the entire print in 125% scale, It will be better for the details and it will still fit to the MK3/MK4 printing bed (with the exception of the stand, but you can leave it as it is ).
Pieces of the necelles and some details need to be separated into separate models in the slicer ;)
In the suffix of the files, there are color codes:
Files without the sufix are done with grey color
For the assembly, please have a look at the following video.
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