Secure Fit AMS Feed Saver & Smooth Fix - Not A Button

Secure Fit AMS Feed Saver & Smooth Fix - Not A Button


Print Profile(10)

X1 Carbon

PLA Tough Qty. 4 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
PLA Tough Qty. 4 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
1.7 h
1 plate

NO Sides Qty 4 - Desiccant Box Compatible
NO Sides Qty 4 - Desiccant Box Compatible
1.3 h
1 plate

PETG 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
PETG 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
40 min
1 plate

PLA Tough 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
PLA Tough 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
31 min
1 plate
Click to see more

Open in Bambu Studio


“Feeder Saver” - The AMS is an engineering marvel. However, the infamous feeder “button”, AKA Feed Funnel, has caused much concern when it comes to longevity. Simply put, it will wear on the edges of the feeder filament entry forcing a potentioally expensive replacement of the AMS First Stage Feeder. My AMS “Feeder Saver” will not only protect you from this potentially expensive reality, it will also properly align the filament to reduce the likelihood of feed and pullback errors. All this for about a dollar in filament for a set of four!



  1. Desiccant Box Version: If you have desiccant boxes, I recommend the print profiles with the following in the title “NO Sides - Desiccant Box Compatible”
  2. Hydra Mod Version: If you are using the Hydra Mod for your AMS, please use the Hydra Mod Print Profile


Features and Benefits

  • Protects the feeder “button” from premature wear and replacement
  • Snaps on securely using a wrap-around design - Will NOT come off during a print like some other feeder solutions
  • Precision alignment of the filament from spool to feeder reduces friction and helps prevent the likelihood of feed and pullback errors
  • Uses inexpensive PTFE used for protecting the “button” and the “Feeder Saver”
  • Tested with full-size 1kg spools and 1/4kg spools full and near finished
  • Simple install - SEE INSTALL VIDEO BELOW - no need to remove the AMS First Stage Feeder to install or remove
  • Satisfying “snap-on” sound when installing giving you confidence it will not come off during a print

See Installation Instructions and Printing Notes Below


Comments From Users

“I tried many of these designs and discarded them all, this is the best I have come across and printed 16 of them for all 4 of my AMS's. Well done on this design its well thought out.”


“Great design!”


“fits perfectly, thank you very much”



Secure wrap-around snap-in-place design

Alignment guide reduces the likelihood of feed and pullback errors

PTFE tube prevents premature wear of the filament feeder

PTFE tube is inexpensive and easily replaced when needed

Designed using Solidworks for a precision fit and finish

PETG and PLa Print Profiles available and tested (PLA above photo)



  1. Installation is simple and does NOT require you to remove the AMS First Stage Feeder (feeder).
  2. Simply slide the “Feeder Saver” over the feeder making sure the front of the “Feeder Saver” is set in place and flush with the front edge.
  3. The sides of the “Feeder Saver” should be over the edges of the feeder.
  4. Once the front of the “Feeder Saver” is properly aligned and in place, push on the back portion of the “Feeder Saver” until you hear the very
  5. satisfying “Snap”.
  6. Message me if you need an installation video.



Comment & Rating (309)

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Print Profile
NO Sides Qty 4 - Desiccant Box Compatible
complete failure not a single one printed properly not enough surface area touching the build plate
The designer has replied
Sorry to hear you had adhesion issues. As mentioned in the Print Profile, if you have adhesion issues use a brim. Having said that, I have printed dozens of these on a PEI Textured Plate (as stated in this Print Profile) and have not had any adhesion issues. My PEI plate is properly prepared by washing it, applying IPA and Bambu Lab glue stick. If a PEI plate and this preparation is followed I'm confident you will get an excellent print without the use of brims. What plate did you use? What was your process for preparing it?
I used your print profile. with a wham bam pex plate, I don't have adhesion issues on anything I print. I will try the brim.
I had the same issue, although mine was quite a bit worse. I ended up re-doing it with brims on as suggested and it came out considerably better. Although, you can still see some slight issues still on the bottom, but it's good enough. I'll post my pics with a rating in a bit.
When opening the 3MF file, Bambu Studio says: ---Quote--- The 3mf's version is newer than Bambu Studio's version, Found the following keys unrecognized: -ironing_direction; -is_infill_first; -mmu_segmented_region_interlocking_depth; -mmu_segmented_region_max_width; -printing_by_object_gcode; -small_perimeter_speed; -small_perimeter_threshold; -support_interface_not_for_body; -top_area_threshold; -use_firmware_retraction; -wall_sequence; You should update your software. ---Unquote--- After clicking OK ,the object loads. Using your profiles: I've tried printing from Bambu Handy and from Bambu Studio. I've tried printing the single PLA No Sides and the plate with 4 Feed Savers on it. I've tried printing on the Bambu Labs Textured PEI plate and the Bambu Labs Cold plate. I've used Bambu Labs glue stick, and not used glue stick. Every time it printed, the end of the Feed Saver would adhere to the print plate, but the center arc would not. As it printed, the center arc would "bounce" up and down as the print head extruded PLA across it. Ultimately, the PLA would break off at one of the ends, drag the print off the plate, and the print would fail. Finally, I tried printing with a brim, which was disabled in your print profile. *** Printing with a brim worked great *** Problem is, the Feed Saver doesn't fit the Hydra mod. The "spout" is too tall and impacts the lid of the AMS. If it were, perhaps 5mm less tall, it would be fine.
The designer has replied
The version message is something everyone is experiencing and it's a BL issue. The current released version of BS is which is what I am using. You can ignore it or update it to the beta release of However, note that I created the 3mf file using release Regarding fitment with Hydra, I have not implemented the Hydra mod (in fact, had never heard of it until another user asked about compatibility). I researched it and have no interest in implementing it. I am willing to work with someone who has it and will provide the data I need to make a version that is compatible (if possible without compromising the perfect fuction of this fix). If you have a sander you could test your Hydra mod theory and shave off what is needed on that edge to close the lid. Then you could let me know how much was required to fit and I could create a version just for the Hydra or one that fits both.
You can make this model, to solve the problem of top collision!allows some larger spools to run without issues.
Replying to @YelTrikDesigns :
Actually, what I did was use Bambu Studio and cut the tip of the model where the PTFE tube goes in. I cut about 5mm off the tip at a very slight diagonal, the tallest part is at the front, nearest the spools, and the lowest part of the diagonal cut is closest to the AMS' door handle. It fits perfectly and works well without needing to be redesigned. BTW, the Hydra mod is probably the most popular print for the X1C and even the designers of the X1C at Bambu Labs said they wished they had made the AMS that way.
Print Profile
NO Sides Qty 4 - Desiccant Box Compatible
first image is without brim. all 4 came out like that. second one is with brim. had a little defect on the bottom still but works just the same
The designer has replied
Thank you for the feedback and 5 star rating! Without a brim, a clean PEI Textured plate with Bambu Lab glue stick is required for bed adhesion. Glad to hear adding a brim solved this issue for you. Good job! Make sure to check out my other models and Bambu Printer Accessories. More to come so LIKE and FOLLOW to to get updates. Thanks again!
Replying to @YelTrikDesigns :
I think the main problem that I see BEFORE I print the design, is the solution of rounding the sides - at least for the "no sides" version. If you place your design on the build plate in your slicer, from your first layer just 1 line of 0,4mm has contact to the ground. If you could design it differently so that at least a couple of lines have contact to the build plate, it would make much more sense. Even if you use a brim, does your brim just have contact to one single line. I think I will cut some layers on both sides in the slicer to prevent issues.
I tried printing the 'no sides' version of this print a few times, but I keep running into a slicer issue where the structure of the clamp starts printing on the second layer (shown in the screenshots below). Consequently, I was unable to print this part due to poor bed adhesion. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
The designer has replied
Odd. The first thing I recommend is make sure you have the latest version of Bambu Studio. Their servers have been using a newer version to slice than what was released to us (until today). So, start there if you don't already have it install and see if this resolves this issue.
Replying to @YelTrikDesigns :
Thank you for the suggestion! I have Bambu Slicer version installed, which is the most recent update. I uninstalled and reinstalled the program regardless, though -- unfortunately, this issue still persists. Are you able to verify that the slice is working correctly in your slicer (if convenient)? It would be nice to isolate the issue by determining if my computer setup is the problem, or if the geometry is somehow incompatible with the new slicer update. Thank you!
Replying to @Choonis :
Please check your messages.
Print Profile
PLA Tough Qty. 4 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
works perfect
The designer has replied
Thank you for the feedback and 5 star rating! Make sure to check out my other models and Bambu Printer Accessories. More to come so LIKE and FOLLOW to get updates. Thanks again!
Print Profile
NO Sides Qty 4 - Desiccant Box Compatible
They work great. Better than the hinged alternative that's out there.
The designer has replied
Thank you for the feedback and 5 star rating! I agree! Spread the word as others don't know. Make sure to check out my other models and Bambu Printer Accessories. More to come so LIKE and FOLLOW to get updates. Thanks again!
Print Profile
PLA Tough Qty. 4 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
Printed in regular PLA, worked fine and was easy to install.
The designer has replied
Thank you for the feedback and 5 star rating! Make sure to check out my other models and Bambu Printer Accessories. More to come so LIKE and FOLLOW to get updates. Thanks again!
Print Profile
NO Sides Qty 4 - Desiccant Box Compatible
Another useful print. I reprinted the 'No Sides' as the sided option was a bit tight with my desiccant boxes( Could have got away with it but snug is a good description)
The designer has replied
Thank you for the feedback and 5 star rating! Make sure to check out my other models and Bambu Printer Accessories. More to come so LIKE and FOLLOW to get updates. Thanks again!
Print Profile
PLA Tough Qty. 4 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
Good Print...but like others bit rough on overhang but not structeral and not in plain site . Eevn though got desicant tubs I printed the one with sides!(to much in a rush!! Used a Tinmorry Vinca Blue straight out of packet delivered today. Great Job. Nice design.
The designer has replied
Thank you for the feedback and 5 star rating! Make sure to check out my other models and Bambu Printer Accessories. More to come so LIKE and FOLLOW to get updates. Thanks again!
Many thanks for sharing. Printed perfectly (PLA CF). Used so far 55mm ptfe, what's the recommended length based on your experience?
The designer has replied
Thank you for the feedback and 5 star rating! I haven't tested all possible lengths. However, if it's too long it call pull the spool up. So as long as this isn't happening it's a sufficient length. Make sure to check out my other models and Bambu Printer Accessories. More to come so LIKE and FOLLOW to get updates. Thanks again!


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