2D Art : The Meeting Point

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2D Art : The Meeting Point


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.08mm layer, 1 walls, 100% infill
0.08mm layer, 1 walls, 100% infill
3.4 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


2D Artwork : The Meeting Point

The low hum of distant conversations and the faint clinking of glasses greeted me as I stepped into the dimly lit corner bar. The atmosphere was heavy with an air of mystery, the kind that clung to the shadows like a secret waiting to be unveiled.

I made my way to the bar, ordering a drink to settle the nerves that always accompanied such unfamiliar places. The bartender slid the glass across the counter, and I took a few steps toward a vacant corner to savor my solitude.

Just as I began to believe I could enjoy a quiet moment, three punks, adorned with leather jackets and piercings, materialized in front of me. The suddenness of their appearance sent a chill down my spine. They stared me down, and one with a shock of bright pink hair sneered, "What are you doing here?"

I fumbled for words, sensing that my choice of establishment might not have been the wisest. "Just grabbing a drink, you know?" I offered a nervous smile, hoping to diffuse the tension.

However, as I attempted to sidestep them, they moved to block my path. The atmosphere grew thicker, and the bar's background noise faded into an uncomfortable silence. "Wrong direction, friend," said the one with a chain hanging from their nose, a hint of danger in their tone.

I tried to step around them again, but this time, they remained steadfast. The trio exchanged glances, and the tension escalated. Feeling the weight of their collective gaze, I knew my next move had to be strategic.

With a forced nonchalance, I took a slow sip of my drink, maintaining eye contact. "Look, just passing through. No trouble here," I said, attempting to convey a sense of ease.

The punk with a tattooed face smirked, "Passing through, huh? We decide who passes through."

In that moment, I weighed my options, realizing escape might not be as simple as taking a step back. The dark corner bar transformed into a battleground of unspoken threats. My next move had to be calculated – appease or confront, but either choice would define the trajectory of the encounter.

Settings to print :
First Layer : 0.16
Layer Height : 0.08
Sparce Infill Density : 100

Black : 0

Green (Bambu Green) : 0.40

Blue (Ice Blue) : 0.88

White : 1.28

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