Gilbert Engineering Flake I 48" Mount (1/2" PVC)

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Gilbert Engineering Flake I 48" Mount (1/2" PVC)


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These are mounting adapter for use with ½" PVC and some zipties to make your GE Flake I more solid and easily hangable/mountable on your house. You will notice the pictures I took are slightly different than the model and that is because as I was drilling the holes through the coro I realized I should've made the zip tie holes bigger so I did. These should accommodate a decent size zip tie that will not be so hard to work with like the tiny ones I had to use. 3-4mm wide should be perfect.

Shopping list:

½" sched 40 pvc pipe(i used about 6 ft so a 10 ft stick is plenty)

1x 4-way ½" PVC slip adapter

Some 2"(or similar) construction screws if you want maximum security from the pipe to the bases.

I measured 2x 3-foot sticks of PVC and cut them in half, I then connected all 4 to the 4 way and gave each side a good couple whacks into the concrete to make sure they were nice and tight(you could use glue but it would be overkill). I then slid the adapters over the 4 pipes and found what I thought was a good spot for balance and then I used a small drill bit to drill through the premade holes in the 3d model into the coro and secured with zip ties. Then i pre drilled pilot holes through the top of the adapters into the pvc and screwed 2" construction screws in for maximum strength.


Mine printed ugly because I didn't dry this amazon basics PETG, but functionally they work great. My recommended settings for PETG on this project are:


245 / 70

3 walls

40 mm/s print speed

8mm brim so PETG does not warp

50% fan starting at layer 4

Support settings!!



80 deg overhang angle


I think this is perfect because it gives you support at the trickiest spot at the top which is really the only place you need it, I included a screenshot of what my model looked like after slicing.

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