Christmas Elf Nutcrackers

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Christmas Elf Nutcrackers


Print Profile(4)

X1 Carbon

Common - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
Common - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
7.8 h
4 plates

Alvin - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
Alvin - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
10.7 h
8 plates

Buddy - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
Buddy - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
10.9 h
9 plates

Buddy - Variable Layer Height, Smoother Rounded Surfaces, 2 walls, 10% infill
Buddy - Variable Layer Height, Smoother Rounded Surfaces, 2 walls, 10% infill
11 h
9 plates



Christmas Elf Nutcrackers are the perfect way to bring holiday cheer to family and friends!



  • Two designs (Alvin and Buddy)
  • 22 inches tall (56 cm)
  • Friction connectors (no glue required, but you can if you'd like)


  • There are two elf designs, Alvin and Buddy. There is a print profile for each elf design containing multiple build plates for each group of parts. There is also a common print profile containing parts that are required for either design you choose.
  • Color changes for the legs (Alvin design), hands (Buddy design), and both hat models are set in the print profiles at the respective layer heights. You'll see the color changes once you Slice plate / Preview in Bambu Studio.
  • If you're printing from the raw files I've grouped them into folders accordingly. One note is that any files with the _alt suffix are Buddy's variations of certain parts.
  • Some parts are interchangeable if you'd like to create your own design: hat, neck, belt, gloves / hands, skirt.


  • Brims are disabled globally in the print profiles. I have most plates set to Textured PEI which works well for me on the Bambu Lab X1C as to where a brim isn't required. Also, using a brim on a Textured PEI plate tends to fuse it to the part. If you know your printer and plates you should be able to decide if you need a brim for certain parts so please consider this when printing. The only part that does allow for a brim in the print profile is the belt buckle of the Buddy design which is set to use a Cool plate. With that said the knees and belt buckle of the Alvin design are also set to a Cool plate because I printed them with Silk PLA which I've had issues with removing on Textured PEI plates.


  • Size C connectors are used to connect the Boots or Shoes to the base.
  • Size B connectors are required for both sides of the Knee part (Alvin design), both sides of the Belt (both designs), and both sides of the Neck part (both designs).
  • Size A connectors are for the remaining parts.



Comment & Rating (86)

Please fill in your opinion

Print Profile
Alvin - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
Alvin Elf - Information (Buddy Elf will be printed next!): Ok, this has got to be the most fun, satisfying, well thought out, amazing print I have ever done or at least in a very long time. The instructions are easy to follow, the print plates are perfectly configured, and everything fit together with precision. I used the print settings from @DesignCraft with just a couple changes: - Layer height to 0.16 I tried using 'Ironing' on the candy base (white) part, it wasn't what I expected and I wouldn't use it again (this was not suggested by the designer, I've never used the feature, so thought I would try). Friction fit is great, but I will most likely glue this together. The total weight of this model when all pieced together was 750g. The only multi-colour print I did was the hat, and with 'flush into objects' enabled, there was no waste and only 2 colour changes. One thing I noticed though on 'Alvin' was that the legs came as a single colour, they are not candy striped like in the picture (unless I missed something, I ended up printing my legs in white, which came out great). Here are the filaments and colours I used for this model: Bambu PLA Basic - Green: - Green parts build plate Bambu PLA Matte - Black: - Black parts build plate eSun PLA - Fire Engine Red: - Hat brim, Neck eSun PLA - Cool White: - White parts build plate, Base A, legs eSun eSilk - Copper: - Gold parts build plate (didn't have any 'gold' colour filaments eSun PLA - Skin: - Face iPrint 3D PLA - Brown: - Hair iPrint 3D PLA - Red: - Base B
The designer has replied
Thank you for the detailed review and I very much appreciate the compliment on the design! I'm very happy to see the results of this model for others! I have a couple notes based on your feedback: the ironing on the top surface of the white base piece should actually be part of the print profile and from your pictures it looks nice! It's really just meant to smooth things out a bit. The legs also should be striped but it won't show until after you Slice plate / Preview in Bambu Studio, I guess because the color changes are set from the layer height slider on the Preview screen. Both hat models and the hands of the Buddy design are the same way. Thank you for sharing pictures of all the parts too! Oh, and I can't wait to see your Buddy print!
Replying to @DesignCraft :
@DesignCraft... I am just looking for some additional clarification in regards to supports, do you recommend the use of supports or are they not required? Reason why i ask is because they are not enabled in the print profile and I would like to avoid them if they are unnecessary (I printed Alvin with supports and they came out clean), but before I print Buddy I would like to know. Thanks again for for making this model available, it is so much fun!
Replying to @Feejai :
I think I answered my own question, and I didn't realize that each build plate you configured already has whether supports are required or not. I am not new to 3D printing, but new to the whole Bambu ecosystem and am more and more amazed each day. This model is so well done @DesignCraft, every detail has been taken care of, maybe I was just over thinking things a bit too much.
Print Profile
Alvin - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
can’t wait for the rest of it!
The designer has replied
Thank you for rating! I can't wait to see either. Please share pics when complete!
Replying to @DesignCraft :
I just finished off the first one and now that I look at the photo I put his pants and hat on backwards. It is not glued so will fix it in a few.
Replying to @m4ng0n3l :
Love it, looks awesome! Yes, the seams are meant to be in the back. You can also swap the bottom part of the arm pieces and rotate the glove to have those seams in the back also. Thank you for sharing the final result!
Print Profile
Buddy - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
Buddy now joins Alvin to my family! I went from sitting on the sidelines seeing others photos to printing both of these amazing designs. I am still getting used to the .3mf files and a few other things like how to properly 'paint' a model in Bambu Studio, but @DesignCraft really nailed this one. I will most likely re-print Buddy's base, I tried using eSun Sparkle filaments (white and red), and there was too much friction to be able to put together, so I ended up breaking the red (not the fault of the model, just the extra friction of the 'sparkle' was too much and I wasn't able to piece together). I was still able to use the white sparkle as the base, but I prefer the solid white/red combination and will re-print Buddy's base. The only change I made to this print profile was to increase the wall count from 2 to 3. Everything else I left the same and I will say that the friction fit of the connectors is noticeably better than the ones with Alvin (again don't get me wrong the default settings are fine the model will hold together fine), but that extra wall count seems to have given just a bit better (tighter fit). This model should have a lot more reviews and people printing, yes it is large and takes a while, but it is just so well made and designed, fun to see the final results. Thanks again to @DesignCraft, I am so happy I stumbled across this model and I will look forward to seeing a female version of this model next year (I have no idea what the designer has plans for, but a female elf would make a nice addition!).
The designer has replied
Thank you again for the detailed review and rating! I'm very happy to see others enjoying this design as much as I do! Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays!
Print Profile
Common - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
just added ironing. 24% @38mm/s
The designer has replied
Looks smooth on the red! I think the texture / smooth contrast creates a nice look for the base.
Replying to @DesignCraft :
I flipped them around on the other model, just to even the filament usage out more than anything else.
Print Profile
Alvin - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
Came out amazing, much bigger than I imagined.
The designer has replied
Fantastic print! Thank you for sharing!
Print Profile
Common - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
great print
The designer has replied
Your print came out great! Thank you for sharing your make and rating! Happy Holidays!
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill. came out great!
The designer has replied
Fantastic! Thank you very much for sharing your make!
This is an awesome model, I printed it at 50% and it fit together perfectly. Only issue I had was the feather was a bit too delicate at that scale so I glued it on. My friend put me on to this model and after seeing his results, I had to try it for myself. Would love to see a Santa to go along with Buddy ;) DesignCraft's design skills are next level!
The designer has replied
Thank you for sharing your make! I've been wondering if scaling down would still work well so it's great to see you did just that! If you don't mind me asking, did you need to glue the other parts also or are you just using the friction connectors?
Print Profile
Alvin - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
While I didn't use this profile; there was nothing wrong with it and credit where credit is due for the time, effort and creativity in the design. 👌
The designer has replied
Thank you for the rating and again happy to see the models came out well for you also!
These guys are blooming brilliant. Super print.
The designer has replied
I'm super excited to see the first make of these (besides my own)! They look great! Thank you very much for sharing!


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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.