The Big Bow *updated*

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The Big Bow *updated*


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

PLA silk, single plate, first layer adjusted for better adhesion
PLA silk, single plate, first layer adjusted for better adhesion
5.5 h
1 plate

PLA Basic, no cap included, 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
PLA Basic, no cap included, 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
4.3 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


Update: Added a variety of larger caps for the middle of the bow.

Now make that present look like a prize winning hog from the county fair!

Multiple designs available- see pics. You need a small cap OR a large cap, not both. The large one has the smaller cap built in to hold the petals the same way. We have only tried printing the ones with a top design placed upright with normal supports underneath and anything blank you can put face down without supports. It likes to add a brim but you don't need one. Also, with AMS you can paint your colours to decorate as you wish! ( Side note: we just got our AMS and damn, it is cool! P.S Forgive the weird white Death Star- we don't currently have grey filament so had to make due..)

Want to make your present really pop? Make your own big bow!

Easy to print, quick to assemble and simple to customize colours…

Try it out and give us your feedback!

Printer: P1S (no AMS)- entire project fits on a single plate and time ranges from 4 to 6 hours

Size: Bow alone is approx. 6" wide or 8.5" with ribbon tails. Approx 2.5" inches tall.

Filaments tested: PLA Matte (Bambu) and various PLA Silks (Bambu, Polymaker)

Nozzle size: our samples were all done with a 0.4 nozzle (not intentional, just happened to be on the machine)

Layer Height: don't recall for all of them but likely printed most on 0.2mm or higher



  1. Definitely slow down the first layer to get a good base. Optional to increase first layer height for better adhesion.
  2. Increase wall loops or infill % to base object only as the “pillars" that hold the "petals" are the most vulnerable item in the lot.
  3. Print all “petals” on their sides. If you alternate between left and right side down you can get more colour variation in the final product if you change filament throughout.
  4. Top cap can be printed face down (no supports) or face up with supports underneath but we didn't notice much change in the final texture of the top
  5. Optional: separate file provided for base without attached ribbon tails if preferred
  6. *Item could probably be scaled up in size but scaling down would likely make the pillars very delicate*

ASSEMBLY TIPS: (see photos for reference)

  1. Pillars are offset -0.2mm to fit holes easily. “Petals” have holes through bottom and on underside of top section for attachment.
  2. Attached petals can be rotated around to change the appearance of the middle. If not using the top cap at all- gluing the pillar to the underside of the petal would be required to hold the shape. Glue gun or super glue work.
  3. The top cap actually will hold the petals together without any glue while allowing for some “natural” bow jiggle but glue would be recommended if it will be handled a lot.

Comment & Rating (1)

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Print Profile
PLA silk, single plate, first layer adjusted for better adhesion
Really easy to print. Everything was easy to put together. It looks great.
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