Box with sliding Lid (parametric SolidWorks-model)

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Box with sliding Lid (parametric SolidWorks-model)

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There are already a ton of such boxes online. But non had the dimensions I needed or it used some CAD-System I wasn't familiar with. So I decided to give it a go and design this thing fully parametrically with my prefered CAD SolidWorks.

You need SolidWorks to work with this design! If you don't have access to SolidWorks, then please look for one of the other solutions out there.

Open the SolidWorks-Assembly ("Box komplett.SLDASM")* and under equations(Gleichungen) you can change the following dimensions:

  • inner width
  • inner depth
  • inner length
  • wall thickness (I used 3 mm)
  • clearance (needed for the cover to slide. For me 0,15 worked best)

The model should update then. You can then further customize the created box to your needs, like adding separate compartments or text to the cover. Have fun.

* I was getting an error while trying to upload the .SLDASM-File. So I added “.SLDPRT” to the filename in order to get it uploaded. You have to revert this after downloading.


Printing instructions

  • no supports needed
  • 0,2 layer hight is sufficient and tested
  • orient the lid (Deckel) with its outer side on to the build plate.
  • the lid might be a little stiff to move in the beginning. But after a couple times of sliding it in and out it runs smoothly.
  • As Material I would recommend PETG.

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