It's a box, right?

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It's a box, right?


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.16 layer, 4 walls, 15% infill, 80 outside wall speed, Auto Brim, top surface speed 40, outer/inner
0.16 layer, 4 walls, 15% infill, 80 outside wall speed, Auto Brim, top surface speed 40, outer/inner
12.7 h
2 plates



A simple box and lid

You've used a box! You've used a lid!


You know what to do with them! Get to it!


We use them for tokens, game pieces, knickknack storage in the workshop… ya'know, like you would any other box. There are no secret box powers included.


The shape is based on a game model I created for an upcoming project. Expect to hear more about us as we spool up our board games in the coming year! I'll upload more models for boardgame-related use as time goes on. Look for us as Unfamous Games at Origins in 2024.


Model notes:

  • I like to print this on smooth PEI/PEX with the top of the lid on the plate, so the top is smooth and matches the bottom of the box.
  • The lid is snug. Depending on your PLA, you may decide to lightly sand the inset if it's too grippy for you.

For the profile:

  • Brim is set to Auto. I know some people have adhesion issues. I have not, but better safe than sorry!
  • It is sliced for smooth PEI/High Temp plates.
  • The print has 4 layers for the walls, top, and bottom. It makes for a solid model.
  • The top layer is slow for better quality.
  • The order of wall generation is outer/inner. I like the way the outside walls look this way.
  • The outside walls are kept to 80 on the acceleration. It helps keep the look consistent if you decide to play with Silk filament.

The images:

  • The black lid was printed at .24 on eSun PLA+ with the top up. I wanted the print pattern to show through. It was printed for pieces for a scifi game.
  • The frosted box was printed at .16 on Overture PETG with a smooth Juupine PEI plate. A profile for it will be uploaded in another entry.
  • The purple box was printed at .20 on Bambu PLA Basic on a Wham Bam PEX plate. Honestly, out of my eSun, Overture, and IIDX PLA, it had the best quality. The Wham Bam gives great shine, too, if you can keep from damaging the surface. My Bambu Silk fused to it in places, ruining the finish. The Juupine PEI plate works great, just with less shine.
  • The pink and white box was printed at .16 with Sunlu pink PLA and Bambu white PLA Basic on the Juupine plate. The Bambu continues to be a solid performer for set-it-and-forget-it newcomers.

A second model that uses magnets and metal tabs to secure the lid will be up soon.

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