Pokémon Stadium Battle Board

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Pokémon Stadium Battle Board


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 5% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 5% infill
11.8 h
4 plates

Open in Bambu Studio



After printing many Pokémon models, I thought about how the focus of the Pokémon videogames was to fight other trainers and searching on Makerworld I noticed that there were no battle boards adapt to replicate fights against Trainer's Pokémon. So I decided to try to model a simple battle board that remembers a bit the stadium or arena of the videogames, where I fought against the Elite Four and others strong trainers.



Printing instructions:

This model doesn't require support or brim; just make sure that your printing plate is clean and apply a good dose of glue to prevent warping on the corners(it happened with my first printing cause I didn't spread properly the glue).



Assembly instructions:

Just wedge in the four parts making sure to follow the color theme of the middle pokeball design. If you feel like not moving around once assembled, you may use some glue to make all four parts stick together properly; I prefer to take my board around, so I just put them in place when I need it and disassemble it once I'm done to make it easier to transport it.



Post processing:

There is not much post processing needed, except for smoothing a bit the joint parts with sandpaper, if they feel hard to put together.



Requirements to play:

1 to 2 players needed(or more if you want to do 2v2 battles).

1 to how many dices you feel needed(1 to 3 dices for each player sounds reasonable).

Papers and pens, if you want to play the Complex Mode



Game's Rules - Easy Mode:

  1. Choose your team of 6 Pokémon and put them on your side of the board; same for the other player or do it yourself, if you want to play alone.

  2. Choose which Pokémon you want to send to fight and move it in the central area.

  3. Both you and your adversary throw an equal amount of dices; the one with the higher number win. The loser has to remove his Pokémon from the board and choose another one.

  4. Keep repeating the cycle till one of the player is left with no Pokémon in his team.


Game's Rules - Complex Mode:

  1. Choose your team of 6 Pokémon and put them on your side of the board; same for the other player or do it yourself, if you want to play alone.

  2. Take a piece of paper for each of your 6 Pokémon team and a pen to keep notes; for each Pokémon, you get 10 Stats points that you may put on one of his Stats: Attack, Defense and Life. Each Stat must have at least 1 point. (For example: Eevee - Attack 3 - Defense 2 - Life 5 for a total of 10 Stats points). Keep such notes hidden on your side of the board, whilst writing on the visible side for which Pokémon is each note so that they can't be mixed.

  3. Choose which Pokémon you want to send to fight and move it in the central area.

  4. Both you and your adversary throw an equal amount of dices to decide which Pokémon is faster; the one with the higher number get the chance to attack first.

  5. Once is decided which Pokémon attack first, you and your adversary reveal the note with the Stats of the fighting Pokémon and compare them. To cause damage to your adversary's Pokémon, your Pokémon attack must be superior to the adversary's Defense and whatever is left get removed from that Pokémon Life(For example: Attacking Pokémon has Attack 3, whilst Defending Pokémon has Defense 2 and Life 2; your Pokémon will then reduce the other life by 1 because such is the leftover from your Attack after hitting the other Pokémon Defense). If the attacked Pokémon survive, it his turn to attack your Pokémon. Once the battle is done, make sure to update the notes with the new Life points.

  6. The battle is repeated till one of the Pokémon Life reach 0; at that point the owner of the losing Pokémon get to replace it.

  7. Starting from the second turn and at the start of each new turn, each player is allowed to replace the Pokémon at the center of the battle board with another member of the team, but such action will gift a free attack to the other player.

  8. Keep repeating the battles till one of the player is left with no Pokémon in his team.

Game's Rules - Custom Mode:

Make your personal game's rules and just enjoy it =)



Credits(For Pokémon models shown in the photos):

Magikarp by hildi3d: https://makerworld.com/en/models/506204#profileId-421914

Mew by SnapPrint3D_SuperCrazyPrints: https://makerworld.com/en/models/47384#profileId-79251

Blastoise by PRINT3DGIFTS: https://makerworld.com/en/models/192999#profileId-213372

Eevee by SnapPrint3D_SuperCrazyPrints: https://makerworld.com/en/models/51158#profileId-53001


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