1 inch round NFC RFID Tag Sleeves

1 inch round NFC RFID Tag Sleeves


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I needed a way to store my notes on filament spools that weren't tied to a notepad, spreadsheet, etc. So I figured I'd try NFC RFID tags.

I had some 1 inch round ones and they worked great.

These sleeves print fast and are pretty resilient, but I printed a bunch of spares.

On each tag I write: manufacture, type, color, purchase date, store, price, printing notes, etc.

I purchased some small .3" round Velcro - hook/loop dots that I stick to each NFC tag and on the side of the spool when in storage.

I then remove the tag and slip it into the sleeve on top of the machine when it is in use and slap it back on the spool when in storage.

I've only been doing it a week now and it is nice and handy, especially for purchase or printing notes that I'd rather have at my finger tips rather than inside my filament profile of Orca slicer (which is great by the way).

Printing should use a brim since these are 1 wall thick.

I printed mine with a .4 nozzle on Polyterra PLA Matte at .52 wide with a height of .24.

I use a tiny piece of double sided tape to stick on my AMS and one on the side of the printer for the external roll and one on my filament dryer as well.

Anyway…….. just thought I'd share something very, very simple.


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