Wizard's apprentice - phone cord controller holder

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Wizard's apprentice - phone cord controller holder


Print Profile(4)

X1 Carbon
A1 mini

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
16.8 h
4 plates

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
9.1 h
4 plates

Smaller size color (A1 mini)
Smaller size color (A1 mini)
12.1 h
4 plates

Smaller size no color (A1 mini)
Smaller size no color (A1 mini)
6.4 h
4 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


Wizards overworked apprentice
                Thank you for checking out my overworked and underpaid wizard's slime apprentice. He has gotten strong from all the work; so, he can hold your phone, controllers, cords, a switch, other small game devices, tablets, etc. You can also throw stuff in his mouth. Extra cords, paper clips, candy, whatever you want, and he doesn't complain. I spent a lot of time making this model so please give me constructive feedback in the comments. Below, I put some information on parts, build recommendations and print info.

Tools you may need:

                Sandpaper or files, glue, cutters, and pliers (last two for support removal) and I use a torch to clean up support areas and sanding marks.

 I did a simple paint job in Bambu Studio to allow parts to be painted easier. Please show me the colors you use with a picture below.

Tips for printing:
                First and most importantly, please have a clean bed as it helps corners of large prints not peel up and warping issues. I recommend hot water, a sponge, and Dawn dish soap or detergents with degreaser in it. Only touch the edges of the plate as you dry it and handle it. I find that alcohol can sometimes lead to worse adhesion with certain brands, therefore I don't recommend it, but to each their own. Lastly it may not be needed but I do recommend, if your bed is prone to bad adhesion use washable school glue sticks, Bambu glue, or hairspray if needed. I didn't have adhesion issues but if you do add brim. If your printing in multi-color don't forget to adjust your flush volumes and prime towers if you want.
I turned off the prime tower for everything that wasn't the slime to save filament. But that's up to you.


Hat notes:
The hat peg may require a little sanding for the hat to go on all the way. Or you could scale up the hat just a little for extra room. Mine just needed a tiny sand. For a different reason, I made a larger hole then necessary in the hat. It's not a big deal but make sure if you change colors to paint the inside correctly or it will use more filament then needed.
Arm notes:
Be very mindful when cleaning up the supports and take it slow to avoid breaking the arm. Even when working on other areas I could see grabbing it wrong and snapping it. I left the arm free for a few reasons. the main ones being that you can move it to were you'd like, copy it to add more, add more strength to it separate from the main model, or just remove it. 
I'm sure this can be scaled down or up as it is large on purpose, however it could be smaller if you wanted. The only thing is the scepter/wand and arm may have strength or print issues. Like the arm may break easy, so I wouldn't scale to low. Or the scepter might not print standing up.
Mine is printed with 2 walls, however if you want it to be sturdier you could probably go up to 3 walls and increase the infill. Especially on the arm. You can adjust on global or per object. But mine has been just fine strength wise. 


With 4 colors my estimated time was about 15h 30min on the slime, however, I believe it printed in about 13h 30mins. So, times may be off. Printed on A1
I have a couple of ideas for a Version 2 if people end up liking this one. Either way thanks for reading and happy printing!

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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.