TI99 f-key inlay

Copyright Claim

TI99 f-key inlay


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
34 min
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


This is an inlay for the TI99-4A home computer system showing the function/control keys.


The model is multi-color using white (the main plate), black (frame and letters), red and grey ('fctn' and ‘ctrl’ dots)


The font used is “Arial” with attribute “bold” in a size of 3mm. Pure Arial would have too thin lines to print properly, “Arial black” would be a bit too strong. Printing with a 0.4mm nozzle at 0.2mm layerheight is ok. Nevertheless, if you'd like to print this with a 0.2mm nozzle you might get even better results, probably at 0.8mm layerheight or so, too.


The model is turned upside down to take advantage of the surface of a textured PEI plate.


FYI: This model is handled absolutely without any problems in BambuStudio. Otoh OrcaSlicer seems to have a little problem with it: The height of the model is shown as 1.61mm (instead of 0.81mm) with some “floating” areas. I don't know right now what the problem is there.


FYI: Why the 0.81mm and not the more even 0.8mm? I “sunk” the colored parts (frame, dots, letters) 0.4mm into the surface (using “cut out” in Fusion). Then I raised all those parts 0.41mm again creating “new body”. The reason to get slightly above the surrounding plate: Those parts will be shown in Fusion and the slicer, although the slicer won't make an additional layer of the remaining 0.01mm then. Without that excess both Fusion and Slicer show those parts weird, sometimes blurry and won't print them.


The model is actually marked as “test model”, because I don't have the “real” machine any more, got the measurements from social media and would like to validate the size will fit on the slider bar atop the keyboard. So if anybody could supply feedback and refined measures I would be very thankful.

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