VOX AC30 Mini Amp Phone Speaker

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VOX AC30 Mini Amp Phone Speaker


Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

1 Full VOX Mini Amp, 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 5% infill
1 Full VOX Mini Amp, 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 5% infill
7.9 h
4 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


VOX AC30 Mini Amp Phone Speaker



  • A scale model of a VOX AC30 amplifier.
  • A full control panel with ¼ inch jacks inputs, volume knobs and a toggle switch.
  • It has a slot in the top to fit a phone.
  • Holes in the bottom to amplify the sound from your phone speakers.
  • Easy assembly.
  • Fully painted 3MF included.
  • A great gift for any guitarist or music lover!



  1. Add a small amount of glue to the ‘edging strip’ and carefully align it with the recess in the 'main body'. Ensure it is flush with all edges before activating or letting the glue dry.
  2. Add some glue to the lower face of the amp and insert the ‘grill’, ensuring it sits between the 'edging strip' and not on top.
  3. Apply a small amount of glue along the rear of the ‘centre strip’ and stick in place so that it is flush with the top edge of the ‘grill’
  4. Add a very small amount of glue to the rear of the ‘logo’ and stick in place.
  5. Glue the 'feet' into their holes


Extra Info:

Do not go overboard with the super glue. It only require a very small amount to stick the parts in place. If you use too much you will end up smearing it over parts that you don't want glue on. I suggest cutting a match stick at 45 degrees with a pair of side cutters, for best results.


Do not sync your AMS. You just need to slice each plate and then hit print. Change the colours to your correct AMS slots within the ‘print’ dialog box. This is important as otherwise you will lose all of the painting.


There is a support blocker added to the main body to avoid unnecessary support being applied internally. The only support required is for the top edge of the amp face.


There is a recess in the main body to help align the vox logo.


As always, ensure your plate is clean prior to printing. This is especially important when printing the 'edging strip' as the first layer contact point is only 0.55mm


The model needs 5 colours total for an accurate print, but this can be printed using only 1 AMS as the max amount of colours per plate is only 3.


The colours used in the example pictures are:

  • Brown
  • Black
  • White
  • Gold
  • Red

If you have any issues please don't hesitate to leave a comment and I'll get back to you asap.


If you like this design, I'd also suggest checking out my Marshall JCM 800 Mini Amp model :)


You can download it here:




Thanks for looking!


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