Vase for Brick Cherry Blossom Set & Other Flowers

Vase for Brick Cherry Blossom Set & Other Flowers

This model is created by Make My Vase
Make Your Model

Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.8mm nozzle, 0.4mm layer, 1 walls, 0% infill, 1.6mm base
0.8mm nozzle, 0.4mm layer, 1 walls, 0% infill, 1.6mm base
1.1 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


This vase was designed to be used to display the completed Brick Cherry blossom set (40725, $10-$15 in the US), though certainly could be used for “real” flowers or other artificial blooms. These were created using the Bambu MakerWorld Make My Vase tool. The vase is 137 mm tall, and 81 wide at the base/widest point. I used Pink Silk PLA, which seems to match the cherry blossom brick set.


I've uploaded two versions of STL files, one to be printed in spiral vase mode, the other not. The second version has 2.5mm thick walls, and if printed correctly, should be water tight.

  1. For the spiral vase mode version, I used a 0.8mm nozzle, and a 1.6 mm thick base, which required ~ 27 gms PLA filament. Its wasn't ly heavy enough to support the toy brick flowers as well as I'd like, being too easy to tip over, so I dropped about 15 pennies in the vase to add some weight. Using a 0.8mm nozzle results in a vase that is light weight, but fairly sturdy, only flexes a little when grabbing the vase. Pebbles or sand would probably be better option for adding a little weight. This version is NOT water tight. Recommended vase mode print settings are a 0.8 mm nozzle, layer height about 0.4mm, with at 4 bottom layers (or a bit more if you want). You can print with a 0.4mm nozzle ok, its just a little more flexible than I'd like.
  2. The second STL file is water tight version, with 2.5 mm thick walls. I printed this version with a 0.15 layer height using a 0.4 mm nozzle, and using 6 perimeters/walls to help ensure it would hold water. Using silk PLA, this version weighed 73 gms, and takes about 3 times as long to print, depending on your settings, printer, etc. The heft of this version matched the brick pieces pretty well.



The 3mf file assumes PLA, using a 0.8mm nozzle on a Bambu X1C, with a 1.6mm thick bottom layer.



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