LED lamp Wave 01

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LED lamp Wave 01


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Recently, I created a completely 3D-printed lamp without the need for supports, using a 1mm or 0.8mm nozzle. The printing process was done in spiral vase mode, which avoided creating seam lines and ensured a uniform and continuous structure.

The design of the lamp is extremely simple and efficient. The model only requires a few additional components to be complete: a threaded socket, an E14 LED bulb, and a power cord. With these few elements, anyone can quickly assemble the lamp.

Here is a link to a suitable socket available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.es/Kopp-aislante-plástico-casquillo-212501049/dp/B07FR8WCC9/ref=sr_1_14?__mk_es_ES=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=D5Q5QTCS3PXH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.dIkSgi8nThgofEDFhTNSjq6mBv2_D4C_9-G9iH7v_nOk3niNP3iNN8waFOe5SItDzsobbGXYBFxqC5fa5BlUzgCXPyQu8jgzHjey02YZdzMnOJtLHuxRIqJgEcW45AkoG26ezx6qHNgaahUkZDNDqsjIsFulqg-l3IFNMDAOWX6RPsT5cnxh2b8au2bMQT7TdazXJR7k5jt9hjtPfvMRZwaH9IlKswlbLCJTBOEDGk5o3o4zntxRNGAOuM4gQtls5LzFR518ODLpESgajLIrWZaPfLYHC0WC5Y5qa-uyFog.lgXZrKdWAbK3SaqtabAsR5WjAH0waWYRT1k5GQF8nmw&dib_tag=se&keywords=casquillo+e14&qid=1719086063&sprefix=casquilho+e14%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-14


Here is a link to a suitable E14 LED bulb available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.es/AmazonBasics-Bombilla-E27-equivalente-100W/dp/B071NGHJWB/ref=sr_1_14?__mk_es_ES=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=30QPVJET8Z4MZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.j8N4VXsUHVXN-rNKCnMVhBeU7s_0hI903jGdq7P8OPEKI9KWdhXVh1UrOKVBIMTFhz0Lt_pHsFA7AdMIlRdT8GyME6KsD-ggl6B2SYoAQRuN-8m8vTENS_Fizee-RA3PjHBDChEIfEVPIelzL-_mopCaK5dhQqHEO_kVP4uzv-UZqrp_85HFHcwf5EYMYTT3ljNQCbBEgpFWTSV0y9DLy_qpsE1eeqglZsSXG-me6oLUYvV0BMGvlOfyOI8Ehynv9MeRmxc1HMHUuFqqF6vD9eUyHZ6H_KMPtxERdBezLnU.8Juv_7rGpcwmWrM9DB4FlWGajxPZKkJM3F5huyJiiZw&dib_tag=se&keywords=e%2B14&qid=1719086287&sprefix=e%2B14%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-14&th=1


Here is a link to a suitable power cord available on Amazon: Power Cord: https://www.amazon.es/CABLEPELADO-alimentación-Interruptor-HO3VVH2-F-portalámparas/dp/B078QP5SXD/ref=sr_1_8?__mk_es_ES=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=1DVC3ZO5O6O23&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.TogkLmplF3BOzLR6Qaxn176rutCGq-hgGxo6TLU2rsaP-znxgbLuj6rq6l2tBkjvTmW57qVQEwZ0OKKska5kHmOS5fUvwULrKvcP5-cPean_Ml3hPz8-xKtU9plH7bbPKWjzZshCb8rrfpDbvqOzaHsqqVBsc5gUOpu-E9yrDXnad-JGY66jZDocqAap37SkGinoLBLC8fboWKJu7L6v9-BaE6iTrLNXwtypMzR2JwUusca5iFvkt3snk7SVnF9AiZWlm6gnuH626Z0uZem5Jio726QKYaX2N7fPe_QHVJM.f9dyxD7EFmMz33NtjmjP8VsSliM6dM21FY46zvf1Kak&dib_tag=se&keywords=cabo+24v+con+interruptor&qid=1719086413&sprefix=cabo+24v+com+interrupºetor%2Caps%2C85&sr=8-8


The simplicity and practicality of this project allow for the creation of an elegant and functional lamp, perfect for any environment.

Additionally, I have other models ready to be launched. If you like this one and would like to see more, please let me know in the comments!



Assembly Instructions for the 3D-Printed Lamp

Step 1: Print the Parts

1.Print all the parts of the lamp using a 3D printer, following the specified model.


Step 2: Prepare the Power Cord 

2. Thread the power cord through the piece called "lamp base."


Step 3: Connect the Cord to the Socket 

3. Connect the cord to the socket, ensuring the connection is secure.


Step 4: Assemble the Socket 

4. After connecting the cord to the socket, tighten the middle part with the top part using the threads on the socket.


Step 5: Final Assembly 

5. Attach the bottom part to the already assembled lamp structure. 6. Insert the E14 bulb into the socket.


Step 6: Completion 

7. The lamp is now assembled and ready to use. Plug it in and enjoy your new 3D-printed lamp.

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