Scooby-Doo mask reveal meme modular display, actuator/automata toy, fully 3D printed, 8 colors 1 AMS

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Scooby-Doo mask reveal meme modular display, actuator/automata toy, fully 3D printed, 8 colors 1 AMS


Print Profile(4)

X1 Carbon

2xAMS, optimal
2xAMS, optimal
3.4 h
3 plates

3.7 h
4 plates

31 min
2 plates

Less infill, Add Magnets.
Less infill, Add Magnets.
3.2 h
3 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


This is a simple actuator/automata display model of the Scooby Doo mask reveal meme. I like the meme template and wanted to turn it into a fun 3D printable model to have on my desk, especially at spooky halloween time. The print features a rack and pinion gear machanism which translates linear motion into circular motion. By pushing the rack, Fred's arm will reveal the villain by unmasking him in a smooth swoop.


The assembly requires NO glue and NO externaly sourced parts, everything is 3D printed. The model is modular so you can design your own frontplate which utilizes the same mechanism and just exchange it (a blank FRONTPLATE is availlable in the files). All parts can be printed in approx. 3 - 3.5 h with BBL P1S with a 0.4 mm nozzle.

The mechanism parts (BASE, GEAR and RACK) are designed for easy printing without suppports and print collectively in approx 1.5 h (P1S). The model somewhat relies on tight tolerances in order to be assembled. The most "important" tolerance is between the gear and the moving arm so they can be friction fit together but still can be disassembled later. Since the tolerances vary strongly between printers, printer models, settings and filament, I have provided multiple gear models with different tolerances on Plate 02 to be printed separately, from which you can choose which one fits best (15 min for 4 gears on P1S with 0.4 mm nozzle). The gears are quite small and do not consume much filament, and in my builds GEAR_3 worked best.


The FRONTPLATE features 8 colours printed in one layer which required a little bit of slicer trickery for printing with only one or no AMS.


  • If you have two AMS units (you lucky person) then the print is simple and straight forward (see 2xAMS print profile and the corresponding print instruction).
  • If you have “only” one AMS, then you are limited to 4 colours/layer and you would need to print the FRONTPLATE from two plates. Please refer to the print instructions for printing with one AMS (1xAMS) and read it carefully before printing!

I added a small piece of the frontplate to test if the method works for you (1xAMS_TEST). If you are uncertain please try to print this first :)

I am also working on using the same method without needing an AMS at all but unfortunately it is not 100% straigt forward as in this presented solution. As soon as I have it ready I will post it here :)


The assembly is mostly intuitive but I have included a comprehensive assembly instruction as a PDF as well as a short video below :)

I am looking forward to your makes and your feedback!


Happy printing and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


Printed and tested on BBL P1S with one AMS. 0.4 mm stainless steel nozzle, Textured PEI build plate.


Print settings:

BASE: 0.2 mm layer height, 3 walls, 10% hexagonal infill, 0.8 mm bottom layers, no top layers, arachne

STANDS: 0.2 mm layer height, 3 walls, 10% gyroid infill, 3 bottom layers, 3 top layers, arachne

GEAR and RACK: 0.2 mm layer height, 4 walls, 100% infill, 3 bottom layers, 3 top layers, arachne, (top surface ironing for RACK)

ARM and all colours for the FRONTPLATE: 0.2 mm layer height, 3 walls, 100% infill, 3 bottom layers, 3 top layers, arachne


Used filaments for the print in the pictures:
SCARF: BambuLab PLA Basic Orange
HAIR: eSUN PLA+ yellow
SKIN: eSUN PLA+ bone white
ROPE: eSUN PLA+ dark brown


Here is a quick Q&A with potential questions:

Q: Why is the printing of the FRONTPLATE with one AMS or no AMS so complicated?

A: If you want to print more than 4 colours with only one AMS (or no AMS at all) you usually can introduce a GCODE command for pausing the print and changing the filament. However, as far as know in Bambu Studio this command can only be easily implemented between layers and not inside a single layer. The model was designed to print all 8 colours on the first layer only (@ 0.2 mm) to minimize filament consumption (since you don’t need the same colour stacking on top of itself) as well as unnecessary filament switching. Therefore, you need to do such a trick to allow more colours to be printed inside one layer.

Q: My TEST print looks bad. The colours from the second plate have gaps and do not look smooth.

A: This has to do with the nozzle height. I had the same issue even after taking care of the previous point, so I ran the built-in calibration of the machine again and after that it worked on the first try. Another issue could be that despite deactivating bed leveling, the start GCODE still features a quick probe at the center of the bed before printing. If some of your previous prints were at exactly this probing spot, then the Z-offset will be wrong which leads to the nozzle being too far away from the bed resulting in “ugly” surfaces. Make sure that your nozzle gets wiped clean before starting the second plate print. Also make sure that your build plate/bed is clean and has good adhesion.

Q: Why does the BASE have no top surface?

A: This was more a strategic decision to minimize print time and filament consumption. Since the FRONTPLATE covers the top of the BASE anyway you will not see the infill and vice versa you would not see your pretty top layers. The infill was chosen to be the most rigid by consuming the least amount of filament (and hexagons are still bestagons).

Q: Why is the rest of the FRONTPLATE white?

A: This decision was made to make the white parts of the design (e.g. shirts) as white as possible. Each filament has a certain transmission distance (TD) which tells you how “see-through” a certain filament colour is. Standard white PLA usually has a quite high TD meaning its very see-through. If you print only one white layer and a darker layer on top of it (= behind it if looking at the final model) the dark layer will be visible through the white layer and the white will look very darkened/dull. Therefore, the rest of the FRONTPLATE was printed in white to minimize such effect.

Q: None of the gears fit well to the arm. The hole is either too large or too small.

A: Try to re-scale the GEAR model in the slicer (in a range of ± 0.5% at max, otherwise the GEAR will not fit into its hole in the BASE if scaled up too much). Reprint and see if it fits. If the GEAR is too loose, you can try jamming a small piece of filament, e.g. a piece of the priming line, between the GEAR and the ARM pin from the exposed back side. However, if nothing helps, you can glue the GEAR to the ARM after assembly, but then you will not be able to disassemble the model anymore :(

Q: The position of the ARM is too high/low from in the resting position when assembled.

A: Make sure you inserted the gear in the right way as described in the instruction. Otherwise, the tolerances of the rack could be the problem. You can try to up-/downscale the RACK model in the slicer by a bit (also around ± 0.5% at max) and see if this works. If the ARM is too high you can file down a bit off from the right stopper of the RACK (where the gear teeth are attached, see picture) which will shift the minimum position of the ARM, however this could be a bit tricky.

Q: Why do I have some strings of different colour on the FRONTPLATE?

A: This is due to stringing and unfortunately not that easy to “fix”. You could try to change the retraction setting (e.g. increase retraction speed) for the filaments you are using (under Filament Settings → Settings Override) but I have no experience with changing those values.

Documentation (3)

Assembly Guide (1)
Assembly instructions for Scooby-Doo meme actuator.pdf
Other Files (2)
Print instructions 1xAMS and 1xAMS_TEST.pdf
Print instructions 2xAMS.pdf

Comment & Rating (19)

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love it :) this print is the one that was done completely on the A1 mini. anyone that wants to do it. just downscaled to 85 percent and follow the instructions just do everything on 1 build plate in the slicer so you can line everything up!
The designer has replied
Thanks for sharing! It really looks great! Have you used a 0.4 mm or a 0.2 mm nozzle?
Replying to @KuKi__ :
Replying to @redheadedstrang :
Wow thats great! I did not expect for the lines to print this well with a 0.4 mm nozzle! The arachne wall generator helps a lot but it has its limitations, however the BBL machines seem to pull it off very well! :) Thanks for sharing once again!
wow so responsive and fun to play with unfortunately, I had a 0.6 nozzle on and some of the lines didn't come out cleanly. still look great though on pei! Thanks!
The designer has replied
Thank you very much! Yeah, the 0.6 nozzle is unfortunately too coarse for the lines due to the small line width, I'm sorry. But I am glad that you still like it and that the mechanism still works :)
I made it completely on an a1 mini! It was a bit of a pain but I love it lol Thanks for the model! This is one of the first models I had seen that made me want a mmu.. was nice to run across it again
The designer has replied
Wow that's quite an achievement, congratulations! I am sorry that I still have not provided a properly scaled-down version specifically for smaller printers like the A1 mini (as promised to another user) but its great that you got it to work! Yes, the AMS/MMU is a really neat thing but not worth the price if you would use it only occasianally I think... In any case thank you for sharing your experience :)
Replying to @KuKi__ :
Thank you!! Im very happy you recognized how difficult it was! lol I realized that I should just do the first print, then line up the second plate models over the first plates models and just uncheck the first model so it doesn't print the rope, freds hair collor and askot again. Swap out the colors to the second plate and hit print.. Lining the models up on the same build plates like that guarantees that itll print perfectly on top of the first plates model.
Replying to @redheadedstrang :
Yes, exactly, well summarized. I think this is a neat trick to get away without having a MMU/AMS. Well done!
is it possible to scale it down for the A1 mini? its max dimension is 7 inches, a 6.5 inch, 4 color version would be nice. :-)
The designer has replied
Thank you for your suggestion! Yeah that would be great. I will try to scale the model down to be printed with the A1 mini, however the line width for the details of the frontplate may then be too small to be printed a 0.4 mm nozzle. You would probably need to switch to a 0.2 mm nozzle to get the cleanest results. Nevertheless I will give it a try and publish a profile as soon as I get to it, however I would not be able to test it since I do not have a A1 mini at hand...
Replying to @KuKi__ :
the . 2 nozzles are back ordered, but I can try it on my mini, happy to help any way I can. although, my colors may be a bit off, lol
Replying to @mockingbirdthew :
Thank you for the engagement! I am so sorry that I have not posted anything yet... I unfortunately had (and still have) so many things to do, I just can't find the time to finish this. I hope I will be able to do something for it before Christmas! Thanks for the patience and the suggestion! I will let you know if I have made any progress on it :)
Very nice model, looks great! Looking to print this with the A1 soon! :)
The designer has replied
Thank you! Looking forward to see how it turns out :) Good luck!
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