Gridfinity Universal Socket Tray 100mm Deep socket

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Gridfinity Universal Socket Tray 100mm Deep socket


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

12 to 39mm Diameter by 100mm length trays
12 to 39mm Diameter by 100mm length trays
30.9 h
28 plates

Open in Bambu Studio



I was tired of looking for a generic modular setup for Socket trays that you could swap sizes and completely customize on the fly when adding a new socket (or losing one). So I made a simple model and expanded it to fit any possible size(outside of oversized) and am self dubbing it the Gridfinity Universal Socket Trays (G.U.S.T). This setup was not build to maximize space, but instead to maximize visibility and simplicity by being able to reorganize at any point in time without the need to reprint everything. Enjoy rate and let me know if there are any issues not noted below. If you find you need a specific size I don't have in here, let me know. Lastly let me know if there are any improvements you would like to see made. 


Links to the full G.U.S.T. sets

I don't usually like it when people put all their “check out my models here” but by (an unexpected) amount of demand, here are the links to ONLY the models related to the G.U.S.T. sets to help users navigate to the other sets directly online or in the app,


Standard short sockets of 12-36mm diameter

Deep sockets up to 68mm in height and 12-31mm in diameter (Will be adding up to 39mm soon)

the Deeper sockets up to 100mm in height and 12-39mm in diameter

Label inserts for all three sets


Model Features

  • These holders will fit any socket set since you measure your own sockets and print the appropriate tray pieces
  • The tray system is based on the Gridfinity standard and will fit all standard Gridfinity bases
  • on the bottom of the trays, I included the standard 6x2mm magnet inserts. This helps keep the tray from coming out of their spot in the grid if you slam your tool drawers like I do
  • The optional label system designed was made to be very simple. Doesn't require magnets, Stays secure even when slamming the tool drawers.
  • NO Guess work needed, when sizing out you entire socket collection
  • Got extra random sockets? Print one off socket trays for each one to store in the corner of your drawer


  1. download and open the profile in Bambu studio
  2. Take note of the current socket height. If this height is taller than or equal to 100mm…..sorry. I didn't design a universal set for DEEEEEEEEEP sockets yet. If you have a set that is more than 100mm in height. leave me a comment or a message of what size your socket is and I'll start working on an addition to the sets.
  3. measure your Socket diameter (do not use the socket size printed on the socket as the size you use to select a tray) This set is 12-39mm diameter by up to 99.9mm in length

  4. round the diameter up to the nearest whole number (ex. like the above, anything between 17.01-18.00mm goes to 18mm)
  5. Add a new empty plate and select it

  6. Right click on the model for the needed size (in this ex. its 18mm) and hit clone, it should clone to the selected empty plate
  7. Repeat for all socket sizes needed and then print.

  8. go to my profile to find the Label inserts, premade with many common sizes. linked below. Or just ignore the label part of this if you don't want to do it. (the labels make it look really nice and easy to read everything and return it to the right spot in an instant.) 
  9. For your sockets that are less than 68mm in length, go to this model
    For your standard short sockets, go to this model


If a description is still below here, then I haven't fixed it yet. If you find any new issues, let me know in a comment or a message an I'll try and resolve it as soon as possible.

Comment & Rating (22)

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Very nice design. I might add to this design and add a locking cage for the 10mm size.
The designer has replied
good idea. I'm going to work on that soon. use my normal model here but put a cover on it that you have to physically break to open it.
🤣 Yas
I've been procrastinating my socket drawer for so long, printed the first batch today! THANK YOU
The designer has replied
I spent a lot of time thinking about making this parametric or not and came to the conclusion just modeling out each socket would be easier for everyone if I just spend the time on it. ends the need for someone to go in and make their own of a parametric and have to export. thanks for the comment can't wait for the pictures to start being posted also next on my list is to figure out universal wrenches for gridfinity with the same label set as the sockets.
ya I always thought it was odd how people took gridfinity and then made it less modular by making all these really custom large blocks. really like that I can have more than one of certain sizes (looking at you 10mm 🤣).
Replying to @Diggle :
I have several 10mm as well I like that I (or you) could click prepare to print, download, select which plate (size) you want and just hit go. (I'll be making profiles for several filaments shortly)
Boosted just because it looks like you put a lot of work and thought into this project. Keep up the good work.
The designer has replied
thanks! I appreciate it x2
I haven't printed this yet, but I sure as shit plan to! Looks amazing, excited to try it out. Boosting purely for the amount of effort in the write up as well as the quality of the idea.
The designer has replied
thanks! took forever getting each model exported individually and then imported and setup in bambu. also the label I had to reimport each body individually when I updated the model to the snap fits. But hey it works great now and with based on the likes and comments, my effort is going to be put to good use so I'm glad. thanks for the boost
Awesome idea! I can't wait to print them for my shop!!
The designer has replied
thanks x3...
Very well done
The designer has replied
thanks for the boost. it was something I needed for myself as I have like 6 random sets and tons of spares. I figured most people would need it as well. I still have a littlecwork to put in but it's mostly here.
in the last picture in the intro pictures it looks like you have spots for 2 magnets to cold the socket in, but I do not see this in the model and really think it would be a great benefit to have. is this something you may add in the future? Thanks you
The designer has replied
I'll re add the magnets ASAP. I was remodeling these to get them posted ASAP and forgot to re add the magnets on the socket side. thanks for the comment. if you want to wait for them I'll try and get it done in the next 2 weeks and republish with the new models. it takes a decennt amount of exporting and re adjusting the height for each one (because the socket size changes the height in the bottom changes)
clever design
The designer has replied
Lol thanks, I think i wasted like 2kg of filament though remodels (after thinking is was done, printed a bunch then changed my mind). It feels to to finally put these out there after working for a few months on and off. Because these got more attention than I thought I spent some time and just got the snap fits to working for the labels. No glue or extra work to assemble now. and they SNAP! I just tested like 10 of them and every time its satisfying. Thanks again, hope to see some of your pics
Haven't started printing yet but this is exactly what I need! Thank you!
I love you


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