I have a shared water container that I need to monitor, water pressure is finicky, so I want to have real time information of the tank so I can take measures.
The sensor is compatible with most if not all microcontrollers, but the length of the included cable is not enough to have all the electronics indoors, therefore I plan to connect the sensor board to the ESP microcontroller with a CAT-6 cable with crimped Dupont connectors, and have the ESP indoors where the WiFi signal is stronger.
The box is designed in Fusion and the .f3d file is included if you want to modify the design to your own specs. It's not completely and perfectly parametrized, but I think I squashed all the bugs for common usage.
I recommend printing the TPU plate first, as it would take more time to cool down from PETG temps, than heating up to them.
Beware, the threads cannot be parametrized in fusion, so if you change diameters and such, you'll need to re-define the threads, also if going for smaller threads, the Loosening_Distance parameter may be too high.
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