Battles For Mars - Engager - Competition

Battles For Mars - Engager - Competition


Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
3.4 h
3 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


Engager Competition.

To celebrate the upcoming launch of my ‘Battles For Mars’ kickstarter I have decided to do a competition.  The best looking Engager prints win all Battles For Mars STLs.


There will be two winners.

1st Prize - All Battles For Mars and Little Cities STL's.

2nd Prize - All Battles For Mars STLs.

To enter its really simple.  Print the Engager and post an image(s) and or videos to your choice of socials and add @neil3dprints in the description.


You can post on any of these: Twitter (X), Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok.  The choice is yours.

If you want to use the paint tool in Prusa Slicer and or Bambu Studio you can.  MMU prints are allowed.  But to keep things fair, we'll only allow a maximum one MMU print winner.



  • 0.4mm nozzle
  • 100% Scale
    No scaling up.  But layer height is up to you.
  • Good quality photos and videos
  • Print the Engager and post an image(s) and or videos to your choice of socials and add @neil3dprints in the description.

What we are looking for:

  • The overall quality of the model.
  • Colour choices.
  • Photo quality – Well-lit, in-focus, and clear photos help show off your work and help us pick the best prints.

Terms and conditions

  • The contest runs from June 20, 2024, to July 10, 2024.
  • You can post as many makes as you like.
  • We reserve the right to repost your print.
  • Results are at the judge’s discretion and all results are final.
  • We reserve the right to terminate the competition or change the conditions of the competition at any time. In case of violation of the terms and conditions or attempted fraud competitor(s) will be disqualified.

Who are the Judges?

Myself, because it is my Kickstarter and @agepbiz, because he has an amazing eye for detail and an even better eye for spotting quality photography.


Now about the design.

If you like the Engager then please check out my Battles For Mars kickstarter.



The Engager is a medium sized lightweight tank that is able to even out the battlefield.  Its faster than many vehicles it's size.  And the RC Bomb quick release feature was specifically designed to take out the legs on a Guardian Supreme Defence Carrier.  When this vehicle is on the battlefield, do not under estimate it.


One of the parts on the Engager requires a colour change mid print.  This is easily done in Prusa Slicer and or Bambu Studio.  Simply, drag and drop the part into the slicing software and select the filaments you’d like as well as support settings etc.  And then slice the model.


Now drag down the right-hand slider to the height you would like the colour change to be carried out. For this circumstance 10.20. Right click on the cross and select change filament and select the filament you would like the colour changed too.


Reslice and export your Gcode accordingly.

You can see in the image below the colour change has been added successfully.


If you’d like to carry out colour changes in Prusa Slicer then please use the link below to see how this is done.

<Prusa Slicer Colour Changes link 😊>


If anyone has any questions or queries, even if you might think it is a stupid question, seriously, just ask me.  Send me a DM through Prusa Printers and I will get back to you ASAP.  I want people to be able to print this.  So if anyone is having any problems, just reach out.  I'll be happy to help where I can.

If you want to stay up to date with anything I am working on and are perhaps interested in other projects I have in development, please check out my instagram or Twitter.


Happy printing. ;-)


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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.