Lightweight Sliding Door (Optimal as Screen Door)

Lightweight Sliding Door (Optimal as Screen Door)


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 7 walls, 15% Gyroid infill + SOLID Axle
0.2mm layer, 7 walls, 15% Gyroid infill + SOLID Axle
2.7 h
2 plates



3D Printable Lightweight Sliding Door

This is a 3D Printable Lightweight Sliding door. The entire mechanism is both lightweight and affordable,  in my case costing just under €10.

Its designed to be used in combination with a selfbuild wooden screen door, but i cant wait to see other people come up with ideas i haven't considered.

The .stl & 3mf files are pre-sized and ready to be sliced in the software of your choice.

This is my first large multi-part design. I am very interested in user feedback and suggestions for improvements.

Assembly Instructions

Assembly is straightforward. The main component is the Bracket, which has two M4 countersunk screw holes for attaching it to your door. The length of your screws will depend on the thickness of your door; I used M4x15 Countersunk Wood Screws.


The single hole with a flat side, is the attachment point for the axle. The short side of the axle should fit flush into this hole. Light hammering is needed to achieve a press fit,  you can also use plastic glue if desired, but it is not required.


Take the TPU wheel and insert two 608 ZZ bearings (8mm x 22mm x 7mm). The side of the wheel where the bearings cannot come out should be fitted onto the long side of the axle, now sticking out of the Bracket.


Next, take an M3x12mm machine screw and insert it through the hole in the "Endcap Gantry" from the flat side. Apply some plastic glue to the screw and around the underside of the Endcap. Then, screw the cap and M3 screw into the single hole in the axle. Do not overtighten, as you are screwing directly into the plastic. Once the glue dries, this will prevent the wheel from slipping off the axle and reinforce the axle's structure.


Drill three aligned holes in the aluminum round tube/pipe: one at each end with a spacing of 31mm from the end, and one in the middle.

Place an endstop at each end, aligning its holes with the ones you just drilled. Insert your M4 wall mounting screws through all three holes and through your chosen "Tube MountV2". The size of the M4 wall mounting screws depends on the size of the "Tube MountV2" and the depth at which you want to secure your pipe/tube-rail to the wall.

Part Requirements for the Same Setup as Seen in the Pictures & GIF:


  • 4x 608 ZZ Bearings (8mm x 22mm x 7mm)
  • 2x M3x12mm machine screws
  • 1x Aluminum Round Tube/Pipe (Ø 15mm, length = 2 x door width)
  • 2x M4x15 Countersunk Wood Screws (recommended size depends on the thickness and weight of your door)
  • 2x M4x40 Wood Screws (recommended size depends on the chosen "Tube MountV2" size and how deep you want to secure your pipe/tube-rail into the wall)


  • Plastic Glue: I recommend and personally use “UHU Allplast”


Printed Parts: TPU & ABS

  • 2x TPU WheelV4
  • 2x Bracket
  • 2x Axle
  • 2x Endcap Gantry
  • 2x EndStop (you can use just 1 if you have a convenient wall that can act as an end stop)
  • 3x Tube MountV2 (choose size 8-14mm depending on the desired distance from the wall)


  • Drill
  • M4 Metal Drill Bit

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