Rune Binder - Necklace, Keychain, Charm

Rune Binder - Necklace, Keychain, Charm


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
11 min
1 plate



Create your personal bindrune keychain, necklace, car pendant with this model. You can for example create:

  • A necklace with your name initials as runes
  • A keychain with a bindrune for luck
  • A bind rune for protection, love, guidance, friendship to hang in your car or house.
  • Make a full set of divination runes.


What is a bindrune?

A bindrune merges the shapes of individual runes into a single, cohesive design, often believed to enhance the combined runes' power and significance. They were commonly used in Norse culture and are still employed in modern esoteric practices and personal symbols for their aesthetic and symbolic value.


Runes meaning and corresponding letter

Find your name initials or the meanings you want to combine in your charm: 

F - Fehu (ᚠ): Wealth, abundance, success, fertility.

U - Uruz (ᚢ): Strength, health, vitality, raw power.

Th - Thurisaz (ᚦ): Protection, conflict, reactive force, defense.

A - Ansuz (ᚨ): Communication, wisdom, divine inspiration, truth.

R - Raido (ᚱ): Journey, movement, travel, personal development.

K - Kenaz (ᚲ): Knowledge, creativity, illumination, inspiration.

G - Gebo (ᚷ): Gift, partnership, generosity, balance.

W - Wunjo (ᚹ): Joy, harmony, success, fulfillment.

H - Hagalaz (ᚺ): Disruption, change, transformation, hail.

N - Nauthiz (ᚾ): Need, necessity, constraint, endurance.

I - Isa (ᛁ): Stillness, ice, challenge, introspection.

J - Jera (ᛃ): Harvest, reward, cycle, year.

EI - Eihwaz (ᛇ): Defense, resilience, enlightenment, yew tree.

P - Perthro (ᛈ): Mystery, fate, chance, the unknown.

Z - Algiz (ᛉ): Protection, defense, warding off evil, elk.

S - Sowilo (ᛋ): Sun, success, vitality, good fortune.

T - Tiwaz (ᛏ): Justice, honor, leadership, sacrifice.

B - Berkano (ᛒ): Growth, fertility, new beginnings, birch tree.

E - Ehwaz (ᛖ): Trust, partnership, movement, horse.

M - Mannaz (ᛗ): Humanity, the self, community, human relationships.

L - Laguz (ᛚ): Water, intuition, flow, emotions.

NG - Ingwaz (ᛜ): Fertility, potential, family, earth.

D - Dagaz (ᛞ): Dawn, breakthrough, transformation, daylight.

O - Othala (ᛟ): Heritage, ancestry, inheritance, homeLAND.


Combine the runes to create your personal talisman or gift. You can change the size, thickness, add a hole to make it a necklace or keyring.


This is version 1 and my first openscad code, some settings or combinations may not work very well, but you can use other runes that fit better to create the same pattern. If you have suggestions please write me.
Writing this code took quite some time, please follow me and if you rellay like it, a boos is much appreciated.



P.s. The modern use of bindrunes as talismans is probably different from how they were originally used even though runes always possessed magic connotations. Have fun!


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