Snap Assemble Label Inserts for my socket trays

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Snap Assemble Label Inserts for my socket trays


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

PETG - Quality - 0.2 - 3 walls - Slow Outer Wall
PETG - Quality - 0.2 - 3 walls - Slow Outer Wall
2.8 h
4 plates

PLA - Quality- 0.20 - 3 walls - Slow outer wall
PLA - Quality- 0.20 - 3 walls - Slow outer wall
2.6 h
4 plates

Open in Bambu Studio



I was tired of looking for a generic modular setup for Socket trays that you could swap sizes and completely customize on the fly when adding a new socket (or losing one). So I made a simple model and expanded it to fit any possible size(outside of oversized) and am self dubbing it the Gridfinity Universal Socket Trays (G.U.S.T). This setup was not build to maximize space, but instead to maximize visibility and simplicity by being able to reorganize at any point in time without the need to reprint everything. Enjoy rate and let me know if there are any issues not noted below. If you find you need a specific size I don't have in here, let me know. Lastly let me know if there are any improvements you would like to see made. 


Links to the full G.U.S.T. sets

I don't usually like it when people put all their “check out my models here” but by (an unexpected) amount of demand, here are the links to ONLY the models related to the G.U.S.T. sets to help users navigate to the other sets directly online or in the app,


Standard short sockets of 12-36mm diameter

Deep sockets up to 68mm in height and 12-31mm in diameter (Will be adding up to 39mm soon)

the Deeper sockets up to 100mm in height and 12-39mm in diameter

Label inserts for all three sets

This Model

These are the labels that work for all of my Gridfinity universal socket trays. I have updated the inserts to snap fit but you should print a test fit with the filament you are using. I recommend using PETG for the labels because it is much more durable on the snap fit insert piece. PLA tends to bend and stay bent so it may not reassemble well if you disassemble it once. I have tested PETG by snapping it in and out 100 times and it still worked fine after that. If you want to use the PLA profile. Please let me know how your results work by rating the PLA profile and leaving a comment. I will take info received and remodel if needed. But for now this works great and has a satisfying Snap! noise when putting the label together.


NOTE: the tolerances for the snap fit are pretty tight due to the nature of it being a small print. please follow the test print steps to confirm sizing before printing 100 of the inserts




Test Fit

  1. Create a new plate once the profile is open
  2. Clone one label and one insert to the blank plate and filament you will be using
  3. Print the single snap insert and label to test the fit. The tolerances here are tight, so be sure to check the box for leveling the bed to make sure it gets as close as possible.
  4. test the fit
  • With the snap fit side of of insert facing up, insert the label insert into a Socket tray.  It should fall right in or need MINIMAL force to insert.
  • Then make sure you can remove it by hand 
  • Reinsert the Snap fit insert
  • Put the label on top of the insert and press down
  • You should now be able to remove the assembled label by hand.
  • If the test fit is too tight in any aspect, reduce the size of the insert (if you can pinpoint which axis is too tight, only reduce that axis) by 4% and reprint/retest the snap fit insert only (unless the label printed poorly the label should not need to be reprinted for testing)

Post Test

  1. After the test fit is complete, create and select a blank plate  right click on each label you need printed and clone it to the new plate. 
Don't forget you can click the organize button to auto organize for printing
  1. Then, Right click on the Snap fit insert and clone an equal number of Inserts for each label
  2. To assemble, follow the same instructions as the test fit process and snap them all into place on your trays

Color Tips

  • If you use a very light color, using a darker tone for the test will stand out better, If you use a medium or dark color for the base, then a light color will contrast better and make is easier to read.
  • Note how well lit your tool area is, if it is not very bright, Darker text will be harder to read
  • My color Scheme
    • Red label Base - 1/2" Drive
    • Orange label Base - 3/8" Drive
    • Blue label Base - 1/4" Drive
    • White text for all - for good contract in low light conditions



Final Steps

Bask in the glory of organization. Thanks for being part of this idea and hope to see pictures posted of all the colors people decided to go with for labeling. As always let me know if there are any issues you find along the way for me to resolve.

Comment & Rating (21)

Please fill in your opinion

Print Profile
PLA - Quality- 0.20 - 3 walls - Slow outer wall
Utilized PETG as you recommended. PETG Translucent with PLA Matte Ivory White Fits snug. I just wanna snuggle you up.
The designer has replied
thanks. though, the snap is in upside down. idea is that the label is assembled by the snap. drop the insert into the tray slot with the bendy side up. then push the label into it to snap it together. also, nice colors. it's going to look great once you get that drawer filled!
Replying to @snjames316 :
DOHH!!! hahahaha. That makes sense!!! I ended up gluing them this way and snapping onto the socket holder itself. Oh well. I don't plan on ever swapping them out anyhow. Thank you, for that!
Replying to @Pnuge88 :
yep, I wanted to design it so no glue was needed. Just quick insert and snap. but it works either way I guess lol nice print glad it's working well.
Hi, thank you for the design! I will be testing this out soon. Question, how do you create more labels? For example 24mm is missing, but a lot of sizes >22mm are missing. Is there an easy way to create ourselves?
The designer has replied
I just added up to 29MM on the metric sizes. BUT if you see more missing PLEASE leave me a comment so I can ad them to the profile. And if you are in a hurry and don't want to wait you can click on any of the models and then click the Objects tab by the "quality" profile then right click on Text_shape and select Edit text. then change the input text to whatever size you needed. just be sure to either clone a copy before editing or edit a size you aren't using. Also I just updated the model to have snap fitting inserts. You don't need to redo anything you have currently made if it all fits good, anything new, you'll have a good satisfying snap when you assemble them. read the updated instructions for details
Replying to @snjames316 :
Thank you both for the update and the instructions, now I know how to do it myself :)
Replying to @f0ff886f :
no problem. enjoy the prints. hope to see some completed pics in the ratings soon!
Print Profile
PETG - Quality - 0.2 - 3 walls - Slow Outer Wall
Printed Perfect!
The designer has replied
Nice. Was the snap as satisfying as it was on my end?
Replying to @snjames316 :
The snaps were great !
Excellent design, I'm printing to update my entire toolbox. Is there a way to create a custom label ? or could you create labels for E-Torx E4 to E18 ?
The designer has replied
I will put that on the list to add, I will try and add it in the next 3-14 days (depending on how busy I am. in the meantime you can download, then click on the object tab, right click on the text on one of the objects and click edit text. then just change it to whatever you want, clone it to a new plate then re-edit to your next size.
I love you
The designer has replied
Awesome idea! I can't wait to print them for my shop!!
The designer has replied
thanks x4!!!!
Beautiful work. Helps with organization with changes in mind.
The designer has replied
Update coming in a few minutes for Snap fits to eliminate need for glue. Also thanks for Boosting! keeps me motivated to get these improved to perfection and continue with my goal of an entire universal Modular tool cabinet.
Print Profile
PLA - Quality- 0.20 - 3 walls - Slow outer wall
Print Profile
PETG - Quality - 0.2 - 3 walls - Slow Outer Wall
No more


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