Monitor Smart LED Bar

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Monitor Smart LED Bar


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Can your office also use some lighting?

You can't even see the letters on your keyboard?

Then this Monitor Smart LED Bar is the print you need!


Because of the easy installation of WLED, you can easily control the LED Bar with a browser, or even almost any Smart Home Platform!

What do you need?

Printed parts (I used a stiff material like Though PLA, PETG will bend too easily):

  • 2x Light_Bar_Bar
  • 2x Light_Bar_Cap
  • 1x Light_Bar_Middle
  • 1x Light_Bar_Mount

Catalogue Parts:

Assembly Guide:

  1. Insert the two Bar pieces into the middle piece. Make sure the gap is at the end (this is needed for guiding the cable)
    If needed, add some glue if it's not stiff enough
  2. Solder the JST cable to the WS2812B LEDStrip. Add some shrinking tube to the soldered end. Keep track of which color is which connection! Keep the lenght of the cable at 40cm.
  3. Cut the LEDstrip so it will be 50cm long. If you shorten the Bars, also make the LEDstrip the same shorter.
  4. Insert the LEDstrip through the Bar
  5. Guide the JST cable through the inside of the tube until it sticks out in the middle.
  6. Insert the Female Jack connector in de Mount
  7. Install WLED on the ESP board (for configuring WLED, see Getting Started - WLED Project)
  8. Wire the + of the Jack connector to the 5V pin on the ESP, and the - of the Jack to the GND pin of the ESP.
  9. Assemble the Mount onto the Bar, so that the holes on the back align, and guide the JST cable through.
  10. Wire the JST cable like:
    1. The + to the same 5V pin on the ESP as the Jack connector
    2. The - to the same GND pin of the ESP as the Jack connector
    3. The DATA to the D4 pin of the ESP
  11. Put the end-caps on the bar.
  12. But the Monitor Bar on your monitor. To keep it from tilting over, you can add some weight through the hole on the backside! Or use some double sided tape.
  13. Connect the Power Supply to the Female Jack connector, and enjoy!
  14. If you want, you can add the white parchment paper in the Bar to have the light more diffused.

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