Mail Slot Rain cover, 100% ORIGINAL designed by ME

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Mail Slot Rain cover, 100% ORIGINAL designed by ME


Print Profile(1)


0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 25% infill, supports
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 25% infill, supports
55 min
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


0.2 layer height, comes with small supports, but maybe i will try to rework it to not need them in the


Prints in place no assembly required, but to actually INSTALL IT< you will eventually need four small screws to fasten to a wooden wall, so 


4 x aprox m3 to m2 scre3ws for 4 x 2.8 mm diameter holes , next version will have simple hooks to press into  the wood.


I needed this so I had to make one to save my dad $40! yes it was going to be 40 bucks to order a metal one, couldnt find plastic ones, even if I did, this is definitly cheaper! Feel free to use it or sell it and do whatever you want! I know it says no sharing without attributes but as long as you give me a small gift or something, go ahead make some money selling it but im sure you can improve it. But none else existed here and it is actually something useful that saves you 20 to 40 bucks on not having to buy a silly overpriced gov4rnment approved USPS special mail slot cover lol.


This is 100% designed by myself using just 4 cubes, (one of them sliced in half into a triangle) and thats it. Works perfectly over my own mail slot to protect from rain, could maybe have an extra flap to ensure wall flow doesnt get by… has worked to stop rain getting in my mail slot cover.


I Uploaded this to thingiverse before i uploaded it to makerworld, but both are mine as you can see by the ackza account. I apologize to anyone who ive been rude to uin comments, and for not using upload etiquette for things i may have i reuploaded incorrectly like mistaking my first two profiles for remixes, ive fixed that, and hope to be able to upload some more useful yet simple ideas and I believe i can draft some good Contest proposal ideas over reddit. 


If you like how much money this could save youre parents like it did for mine, I will try to find a list of the most helpful products that save money because the real life product is over priced… like a small trash can for example in some countries can be $80 for a trash can that should cost $25 max to print. I believe should really try to modify this and slice it better / cut it better, or add a lip and make it so it follows slant3d channels tips on adding a fin instead of support or just redesigning the triangular sides on each end toprint in place no supports somehow, probably pretty easy once i figure it out. 

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