Square that's it

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Square that's it


Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

0.28mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.28mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
29 min
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


In the bustling city of Shapesville, where circles rolled freely, triangles zipped about, and rectangles stretched tall, there lived a humble square named Quincy. Quincy was not an ordinary square; he had dreams of being famous. Every morning, as the shapes went about their day, Quincy would gaze longingly at the grand billboards that adorned the city's skyline, picturing himself up there, admired by all.

Quincy was perfectly symmetrical with equal sides and sharp corners, but in a city filled with dynamic shapes, he often felt unnoticed and ordinary. He watched as the nimble circles rolled effortlessly into the spotlight, as the triangles became symbols of strength and stability, and as the rectangles were celebrated for their versatility. Quincy believed that he too could shine, if only he had the chance.

One day, Quincy decided that he would no longer be just another shape in the crowd. He would chase his dream of fame. With a heart full of determination, he set out to find his place in the limelight. He tried to join the rolling circles, but he could not move as smoothly as they did. He attempted to stand tall among the rectangles, but his even sides did not allow him to tower like them. He even tried forming part of a triangle, but his rigid structure made it impossible.

Feeling discouraged, Quincy wandered through Shapesville until he came across the Shapesville Theater, a grand building where shapes performed and entertained the masses. As he stood outside, Quincy had an idea. What if he could become a performer? Maybe then, he could capture the attention of the entire city.

Quincy approached the theater director, a flamboyant star named Stella Star, a radiant star shape known for her brilliant performances. “I want to perform,” Quincy declared.

Stella looked at Quincy, a little puzzled. “What can you do, little square?”

Quincy hesitated. He wasn’t sure what talents he had, but he knew he had to try. “I can… I can transform!”

Stella raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Show me.”

Quincy concentrated hard, imagining himself turning into something different, something amazing. And then, he began to change. His sharp corners softened, and his sides curved inward. Before Stella’s eyes, Quincy transformed into a perfect circle. The director gasped in surprise.

“Remarkable!” Stella exclaimed. “But can you do more?”

Quincy nodded, his confidence growing. He shifted again, this time elongating his sides to become a tall, proud rectangle. Stella clapped her hands in delight.

“Fantastic! You’re exactly what we need!” Stella said. “You have the unique ability to be any shape you want. With this talent, you’ll bring something special to our performances. Quincy, you will be famous!”

And so, Quincy joined the Shapesville Theater. He became known as the Shape Shifter, the square who could transform into any shape. Audiences from all over Shapesville flocked to see his amazing performances. Quincy’s ability to adapt and change captured the hearts of many, and he became a beloved star.

Quincy’s dream had come true. He was famous, not for being just a square, but for his extraordinary ability to be anything he wanted to be. In the end, Quincy learned that it wasn’t about fitting in with the other shapes; it was about embracing what made him unique.

From that day on, Quincy the square stood tall and proud, knowing that he was special just the way he was. And as the stars shone down on Shapesville each night, Quincy’s name glittered among them, a symbol of determination and the magic of believing in oneself.

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0.28mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
printed awesome
The designer has replied
thank you i worked very hard on it
Replying to @Monke23 :
thank you for the design .
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