Brick Model 6910 - 3 in 1 Car Kit @ 400%!

Brick Model 6910 - 3 in 1 Car Kit @ 400%!


Print Profile(4)

X1 Carbon
A1 mini

0.6mm nozzle, 0.3mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.6mm nozzle, 0.3mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
49 h
12 plates

0.6mm nozzle, 0.3mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.6mm nozzle, 0.3mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
40.8 h
13 plates

0.6mm nozzle, 0.3mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.6mm nozzle, 0.3mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
29.8 h
6 plates

0.6mm nozzle, 0.15mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.6mm nozzle, 0.15mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
6.2 h
2 plates



Brick 3 in 1 vehicle model kit #6910, increased 400%!

Disclaimer -

If you want to print this, it's not for the faint of heart. There are 8 colors (all printed separate) totaling over 1.2kg of filament; 9 colors with almost 2kg including the container; Over 70 pieces and 6 build plates on the X1-C, 9 on the A1-Mini; Over 24 hours of printing time on an X1-C. I'm up to the challenge, so let's get to it -


Using the Ultimate Brick Customizer on MakerWorld! I wanted to make some 400% scale bricks. Remembering I have this old kit, why not make it?


Ultimate Brick Customizer:

I had to go through a few 'lessons' printing from the modeler to figure out correct scale, sizing and peg size to fit super snug. I'm scaling up the pieces 400% in BambuStudio, so accounting for that in the ‘Stud Rescale’ settings was tricky, here's what I used -




With that figured out, let's bang out some bricks, what do we need and what color? Thankfully the instructions show exactly what is needed. You can find these online, they include the assembly method as well.


Most of the bricks are standard ⅓ height, so those are easy. But the non-standard ones I'll have to model. I'm sure someone already has, but I'm learning F360 and this was a perfect set of lessons. Plus, when scaling up peg size is critical, and doing a fresh model is the best way to ensure they all fit consistently.


F360 modeling -

Yes, this took me hours, but I learned the basics of multi-component construction.



With that out of the way, let's get printing.


Printed Parts -

I laid them out in BambuStudio by color and just started in on it. I have an A1-Mini, and an X1-C, so I printed in roughly 4 hour batches, overlapping the two printers, with a separate color in each.



Oh man this is some work, snapping off literally hundreds, and hundreds, of slim tree supports… But the results are oh so satisfying -




I'm glad that's over. :-)

Container -

I was so pleased with myself with all those bricks, I decided to make a container as well. I designed something simple in F360 resembling the original, making sure it was big enough for all the parts. Unfortunately it's too big to print on the A-1Mini, sorry. But check out that sweet, first layer, action! :-)



Complete, with some labeling of course -

Let's assemble this thing!

Assembly -

Normal instructions work fine.* I did use a knife to shave a little off the edge of a brick here and there, mainly on the larger / longer pieces. But they do fit.



Final Product -

Done! This project totally met my expectations.


Printing Notes:

  • All parts were printed with a .6mm nozzle at a .3 layer height except for parts like the axle base and sloped pieces, which I printed with a .15 layer height.
  • * All parts can be printed on an A1-Mini. (Except the container to hold them.). The long 1x8 bricks may be printed diagonally on the X1-C, but becasue of how the model is assembled, you can use a pair of the 1x4's in their place. So I included for the A1-Mini.
  • I used PETG on nearly all the parts. The main reason, these blocks fit together tight, and removal frequently requires a flat blade screw driver. So I assumed PLA pegs would snap off when trying to disassemble. And I just love PETG…
  • Did I mention the bricks fit TIGHT? You might need to shave a little off a peg here and there with a razor knife, but the alternative was too loose. Which sucks becasue then you have to glue them, and that's a one-way ticket. So you make choices in life…
  • Printing the translucent (PETG) slope pieces, I bumped up the nozzle temp to 270c for a more clear appearance. I also printed them on the A1-Mini and feel the slightly slower speed (than the X1) helped with consistency and clarity. YMMV
  • I didn't model the two-piece tiltable brick holding on the rear wing, instead, I made it a fixed 30 degree angle that works fine in it's place.
  • I included an 'axle stub' for pasting onto some other creation in Tinkercad, to use the wheels and tires on some other creation.
  • Wheels can be a little loose on the axle stubs and tend to come off. Suggest printing wheel and tire set at 99% or 98% scale to fit a little more snug.
  • As this is a 3 in 1 set, a couple pieces included are not used for the car.
  • The truck doesn't use the tilting / angled action of the one piece, so I included a full height, fixed brick to use in it's place.

Thanks for checking it out, what a fun project!


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