Gridfinity clip together baseplates

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Gridfinity clip together baseplates

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This model is based on the Gridfinity baseplates by Zack Freedman. You can find the original model here:


I really like my version of the Gridfinity modular baseplates that you can screw together ( I use it in my shop and in the Ikea Samla boxes. But for my Ikea drawers in the office I wanted to have a more lightweight solution, where you don't need additional hardware to attach the baseplates together. There are a few options out there and I tried some of them, but was not really satisfied. So I made my own version of a Gridfinity clip together baseplate.

What makes this model unique?

  • Clips are separate from the baseplates, ensuring a clean outer surface.
  • Available in three versions: minimal, magnet, and screw to baseplate.
  • Adds only minimal height (3.4mm).
  • No additional hardware needed, just the printed parts.
  • Clips can be printed in various colors for a stylish appearance.


There are three versions you can choose from:

  • The minimal. This version that has the smallest footprint. 
    The files are marked with “minimal”


  • The magnet. This version is the heaviest but can be equipped with 6x3mm magnets. Use it if you like your bins to snap magnetically into place. You will need to (super)glue the magnets to the grid. 
    The files are marked with “magnet”


  • The screw to surface. This version that has special corners that allow you to screw the baseplate to the surface it sits on. Also this version can help when you have difficulty with bed adhesion as the corners have more contact area with the baseplate.
    The files are marked with “screw to surface”.


Print  settings

For my prints I used the following print settings:

  • 0.2 mm layer hight
  • 3 walls
  • 15% infill (rectilinear)
  • Arachne wall generator


Take the clip and push it onto two baseplates from the bottom. 

There are two clips provided. One that is a bit tighter and one that is not so tight (0.2mm difference). As every printer has some tolerances I suggest you print both clips and test for the best fit.

Cross section view of the clip and baseplates:


In case you want to disassemble your grid, you just need to bend the baseplates and the clips will come loose. Unfortunately this will stress the clips and they will in most cases not be usable again. 
However the clips use only a minimal amount of filament. 100 clips can be made from only 15 g of filament, so it is perfect for using the last five windings on a spool.


All three versions can be mixed to your liking.

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