Hueforge cat lying - Hueforge Katze liegend

Hueforge cat lying - Hueforge Katze liegend


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.08mm layer, 1 walls, 100% infill
0.08mm layer, 1 walls, 100% infill
3.9 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


Hallo zusammen

Hier habe ich ein neues Hueforge für euch. Das Bild habe ich in meinen anfängen der Fotografie geknipst und jetzt zu einem richtig schönes Hueforge umgewandelt.


Das Bild hat eine Größe von 150x150, wenn ihr es in 200x200 haben möchtet, dann könnt ihr mich sehr gerne anschreiben.

Achtung: Bitte nicht Skalieren, sonst passen die Einstellungen nicht mehr!!!

Achtung: Wenn du eine andere Farbe wählst, bitte neu slicen, das es übernommen wird.


Ich hoffe euch gefällt mein Hueforge

Über ein Like oder Kommentar würde ich mich sehr freuen :)


Bitte beachten:

You may print at higher layer heights below the Min Depth of 0.48mm
The Max Depth is 2.2mm and the Actual Depth is 1.8mm


Print at 100% infill with a layer height of 0.08mm with a base layer of 0.16mm

Filaments Used:
PLA+ Sunlu Black Transmission Distance: 0.6
PLA+ Sunlu Grey Transmission Distance: 2
PLA+ Sunlu Silver Transmission Distance: 2
PLA+ Sunlu White Transmission Distance: 5

Swap Instructions:
Start with Black
At layer #11 (0.96mm) swap to Grey
At layer #16 (1.36mm) swap to Silver
At layer #20 (1.68mm) swap to White for the rest.


Hello everyone

I have just printed my next Hueforge and would like to share it with you. The picture was taken by my cat Tommy and I really wanted to share it with you.


The picture is 150x150, if you want it in 200x200, then you are very welcome to write to me.

Attention: Please do not scale, otherwise the settings will no longer fit!!!

Attention: If you choose a different color, please re-slice it so that it is adopted.


I hope you like my Hueforge

I would be very happy about a like or a comment :)



Please note:

You may print at higher layer heights below the Min Depth of 0.48mm
The Max Depth is 2.2mm and the Actual Depth is 1.8mm


Print at 100% infill with a layer height of 0.08mm with a base layer of 0.16mm

Filaments Used:
PLA+ Sunlu Black Transmission Distance: 0.6
PLA+ Sunlu Grey Transmission Distance: 2
PLA+ Sunlu Silver Transmission Distance: 2
PLA+ Sunlu White Transmission Distance: 5

Swap Instructions:
Start with Black
At layer #11 (0.96mm) swap to Grey
At layer #16 (1.36mm) swap to Silver
At layer #20 (1.68mm) swap to White for the rest.

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This user content is licensed under a Standard Digital File License.

You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.