Kitchen Aide Mixer Cap

Kitchen Aide Mixer Cap


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

PLA on tPEI Plate
PLA on tPEI Plate
58 min
2 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


An almost exact 1:1 recreation of the Kitchen Aide mixer cap or cover, but flat on the bottom so you can customize it.

Monogrammed Version

To change the text on the monogrammed plate, start by using the rotate tool to flip it 180° along the X (red) axis. Since the model has a pin to orient, I do not suggest using the “lay on face” tool as it can rotate the model along the Z axis and it's easy to miss.

Select “text_shape” from the objects list then click the text tool. Change the settings as you'd like, font, letter, size, etc. Thicker fonts will look better as this is a small part and very thin lines might not show up well! It is important to keep the thickness at 0.00 and the Embedded Depth at 0.60! If things get moved around accidentally, you can right click the objects in the list and “center” them both to re-align them. If you need to reset the height of the text shape, it's Z height should be 19mm.

You should see the odd artifacting like in this screenshot. This tells you the two objects share the same surface!


Click off the text and select the entire model. Rotate it back on to it's face and check your preview. You should have three layers of inlaid feature with a fourth layer of the body printed over it before infill begins.

This is an excellent time to play with infill patterns such as Hilbert Curve or Archimedian Chords if you're using co-extrusion filaments!


Custom Logo Version

You can also add an SVG to the blank if you want something completely custom. The process is exactly the same as the monogrammed version, except you'll want to “Add part” and choose “Load."

Scale your design until it fits along X and Y axes then uncheck “uniform scale” and make it's Z height 0.60mm. You can right-click it and “center” it to put it in the middle of the cap. Please note the orientation - the peg on the right will be on the right side of your mixer when installed!

Past there, make it's Z height 19mm and it should go flush, giving the odd artifacting as seen in these screenshots.

Click out of the part and select the entire model, then rotate it 180° to be back on it's face and check your preview.


I've made a few of these using slightly vulgar icons and they're quite popular 🤣

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