Customizable Grave Marker plant label for Garden

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Customizable Grave Marker plant label for Garden


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
39 min
1 plate



Hey gardeners!  

     I've made a customizable grave garden marker for all of us folks with black thumbs.


    It works a little differently than some of of the other custom files. Here's what you do!


  1. Download the 3mf file and the stl.
  2. Customize! Click that button, and generate your plant's name. There are two fields. If you only need one line, just leave the second one blank. 
  3. Download your custom text.
  4. Open up your downloads folder. Then Ctrl click on both your PlantGraveMarker, and your Graveplantmarker files. It will ask you if you'd like to import them as one object, and you can then say yes. 
  5. Take a look, and if everything looks great, slide it over to the side, and then repeat your process process until you've got a plate full of markers! I've gotten 6 on there at a time. 
  6. I've uploaded a pre-colored file, and recommend using layers to color instead of fill.  Also, I recommend switching to Arachne Wall Generator, I think you get nicer text that way, although it does work printing with Classic.

*You can't print this directly from the Bambu Handy App* 
If you're on the app, I've uploaded separate sets you can print directly - just go to my homepage to find them :) 

Additional Notes

If you'd like to bring the model in as a single STL, you can easily do it with the free program OpenSCAD! I recommend this for folks who are not using the Bambu slicer. 

  1. Download OpenSCAD
  2. Download the STL and the SCAD file
  3. Open the file in OpenSCAD, and both the marker and your text will show up and you can export them as an STL that you can then bring into your slicer program. 

I've included the directions as a text file for you to download and keep in a folder with the files, so that when you find these a year from now you can remember how to print them up for next year's crop! 

If you're printing these for an indoor herb garden, PLA should be fine. I've had similar markers last in my garden an entire season in zone 7A, unless they're in a sunny spot. If they're going to be in full sun, use PETG. The ones shown in the photos are printed with Creality Black PLA and Bambu White PLA. 

Happy printing, happy gardening, and please post photos of your markers and let me know if you like them! 


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Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
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