Nosferatu Art Nouveau

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Nosferatu Art Nouveau


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200x200 Nosferatu in an Art Nouveau style, 6 colors printed with 1 AMS


Print at 100% infill with a layer height of 0.08mm with a base layer of 0.16mm


Filaments Used:
    PLA+ Elegoo Black
    PLA Silk Flashforge Burnt Titanium
    PLA Kingroon Purple 
    PLA Kingroon Pink
    PLA Kingroon Green
    PLA+ Elegoo White


Swap Instructions:
   Start with Black (1)
    At layer #11 (0.96mm) swap to Burnt Titanium (2)
    At layer #18 (1.52mm) swap to Purple (3)
    At layer #23 (1.92mm) swap to Pink (4)
    At layer #25 (2.08mm) swap to Green (5)
    At layer #27 (2.24mm) swap to White (6)

Instructions on printing with 1 AMS, colors are numbered above:
1. Load the first 4 colors in the AMS
2. Prepare to print
3. Set the 5th color as slot 1
4. Set the 6th color as slot 2
5. Print
6. Immediately remove colors 2 and 3 and set them aside
7. Once the first color is finished, the filament runout sensor will see slot 2 is empty on the AMS
8. Insert color 2 into slot 2
9. Replace color 1 in slot 1 with color 5
10. Resume the print
11. Once the second color is finished, the filament runout sensor will see slot 3 is empty on the AMS
12. Insert color 3 into slot 3
13. Replace color 2 in slot 2 with color 6
14. Resume the print
15. Congratulations, you did it


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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.