Custom tag organizer for plants/seeds

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Custom tag organizer for plants/seeds


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A1 mini
X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
19 min
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


Plant Tag with Custom Text

This plant tag is designed to help you organize and label your plants with a stylish and durable marker. Made for easy insertion into the soil, this tag can be customized with the plant name or any other desired text, ensuring your garden remains neat and well-organized.


Key Features:

  • Customizable Text: Add any text to the tag, such as the plant name, care instructions, or any other relevant information.
  • Adjustable Dimensions: The tag height, text height, and text thickness can all be customized to fit your needs, but also how much you want to insert the tag in the soil, useful for bigger pots.
  • Multiple Fonts: Choose from a selection of fonts to match your style preferences.
  • Durable Design: The tag is designed to withstand outdoor conditions when printed in durable materials like ABS or PETG, ensuring it remains legible and intact over time.

Explanation of the Code:

The provided OpenSCAD code generates a 3D model of a customizable plant tag. Below is an explanation of the key components of the code:


  • text_to_display: The text to be displayed on the tag.
  • tag_height: The height of the tag.
  • text_height: The height of the text.
  • text_thickness: The thickness of the extruded text.
  • tag_soil_depth: The length of the part of the tag that is inserted into the soil.
  • fonts: A list of available fonts to choose from and where you can add you owns (that are available in your system).
  • font_index: An index to select the font from the list.

Text Length Calculation: The length of the text is calculated based on the font size and the length of the text string to ensure the tag is appropriately sized.

Tag Dimensions: The dimensions of the tag are defined based on the text dimensions, adding some padding around the text for better visibility and aesthetics.

Tag with Text Module:

  • Base Cube: A cube is created to form the main body of the tag.
  • Rounded End: A semi-cylinder is added to the end of the tag to give it a rounded shape.
  • Triangle Addition: A triangle is added at the end to complete the design.
  • Text: The text is created and extruded on the surface of the tag, positioned centrally with some padding.

Rendering: The tag_with_text module is called to render the final tag with the customized text.

This customizable plant tag can be 3D printed and used to label and organize your plants effectively. The flexibility in text customization, font selection, and adjustable dimensions make it a versatile tool for any gardener.



Hope you like my design and if so, you can like, share and maybe boost the post so it can reach more people and also help me through my adventure of designing and printing more objects like this. Stay creative!


Other designs like this you can find on MY PAGE HERE!!! where I post regularly a diversity of models that I'm designing and printing like:


Other parametric models:


Custom drawer/toolbox organizer with/without lid


And simple models like:


ROSES Planter




LIQUID Planter





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