Premium QR Code Sign & Keyring Parametric Creator

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Premium QR Code Sign & Keyring Parametric Creator


Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
14 min
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio



Have you ever wanted to create a QR Code of your own? Have you ever been put off because it seems so hard? Have you ever wanted to be able to print your own custom QR Code and use it as a sign or a keyring?


Great news, now you can.


Introducing the QR Code Sign and Keyring Parametric Creator, the easiest way to create the QR Codes of your dreams.

Boost Me

Providing these models for free takes time and effort, if you would like to reward that, consider boosting this model.

Version 3 has arrived.

Version 3 introduces full font support for the header and footer text of your QR Code keyring, sign, notice, placard, or whatever you use it for. Choose from 30+ fonts for the captions, you can ask the Customizer to match the footer style to the one you choose for the header to make life a little bit easier.


A full font list is provided at the bottom of this page.

Version 2 has arrived.

Version 2 brings far more customisation including the ability to specify screw holes to mount your QR Code to a wall.  Automatically generated stands in different styles so you can desk-mount your QR Code. Even more keyring choices than before. Header and Footer captions that are fully customisable including font styles.  Automatic compensation so you do not have to worry how one thing affects another, the code adjusts everything for you.  The stand for example can automatically add a bottom lip to the QR code so it fits perfectly in. any of the stands.


  • Keyring
  • Signage
  • Wall Mountable
  • Desk mountable with auto-stand generation (you choose style)

You can create QR Code keyrings, wall signs, and desk signs of any size you require. You can add optional text above and below the QR Code.  If you want to mount your QR Code on your desk or reception area, choose one of several different style stands that will be automatically generated for you.


This is a Work In Progress more features will be added if people find this useful. Feel free to request features in the comments.

Is the AMS required?

No, you do not need an AMS, you choose if the colour is changed by the AMS or manually at the correct time. Instructions below.

Data you can store

  • Text
  • URL
  • eMail
  • Phone
  • Wifi
  • vCard

55 Individual Settings, millions of combinations

  • Width and Height
  • Thickness of the back
  • Thickness of the data (QR Code)
  • Border size
  • Corners: square or rounded, the amount of roundness
  • Keyring hook: on or off, auto-rounded joints so it doesn't break off easily
  • Keyring hook: hole size and border size
  • Keyring hook location: top, bottom, left or right
  • Header & Footer Captions: font size, font weight, margins & height
  • Optional Screw Holes
  • Optional Stand generation, 3 different styles automatically generated for your custom QR Code
  • Advanced QR Code settings for the professionals
  • Automatic sizing and compensation for all features chosen

Design with Data

  • WiFi - Set Data Type to WiFi and enter wifi details in the Data WiFi section
  • vCard - Set Data Type to vCard and enter vCard information in the Data vCard section
  • Phone - set the Data Type to Phone and enter the Phone number in the Data text box
  • All others - set the Data Type to your choice and enter the value in the Data text box

Pre-print - Processing

Optional Stand:

If you have chosen an optional stand, you only need to split the model into the QR Code and the stand within Bambu Studio and then arrange the two parts on different build plates to suit your needs.


There are currently three different desk stands to choose from, which are automatically generated to match the dimensions you have selected for your QR Code.  When both parts have been printed, you place your QR Code into the stand, it is as simple as that.

AMS or PAUSE for colour prints

Once you have created your QR Code, download the STL or 3MF file and add a PAUSE or Colour change at the correct layer.


Follow these instructions:

  1. Open your downloaded QR Code in Bambu Studio
  2. AMS only: Make sure you have at least two filaments selected.
  3. Press the [Slice Plate] button.
  4. Move the BOTTOM layer marker upwards (6 - 1.20 in the preview image) until the back of the QR Code is no longer visible in the preview.  Which layer you need depends on your settings, do NOT assume it is layer 6.
  5. Right-click over this layer and…
    1. AMS: Select “Change Filament”, and choose your filament for the data portion.
    2. Manual: Select “Add Pause”.
  6. Print your QR Code.
  7. During the print process…
    1. AMS: The AMS will swap the filament to the filament you chose.
    2. Manual: The printer will pause, remove the filament you used for the base portion and insert the filament ready for the data portion. Resume the print job.
  8. Your QR Code will finish printing.

Font List

  • Inter
  • Kanit
  • Lato
  • Lora
  • Merriweather
  • Merriweather Sans
  • Montserrat
  • Open Sans
  • Open Sans Condensed
  • Noto Sans
  • Noto Sans Display
  • Noto Sans Mono
  • Nunito
  • Nunito Sans
  • Oswald
  • Playfair
  • Playfair Display
  • Playfair Display SC
  • Plus Jakarta Sans
  • Railway
  • Roboto
  • Roboto Mono
  • Roboto Slab
  • Rubik
  • Rubik Dirt
  • Source Sans 3
  • Ubuntu 
  • Ubuntu Condensed
  • Ubuntu Mono
  • Ubuntu Sans
  • Ubuntu Sans Mono
  • Work Sans





















I couldn't have provided this model and customisable tool without the excellent work of xypwn who created the scadqr library released under the MIT license.


Comment & Rating (42)

Please fill in your opinion

I originally had the Data Height set to 2 (mm) and my phone would not scan it, then lowered it to 1 and it still would not scan it. Finally, a 0 setting in Data Height did the trick! You might want to add a little note to the Customization to warn people. Nevertheless, a clean design and I like it.
The designer has replied
Thank you for your comments. The Customizer is designed to solve many problems, different data heights work for different sizes of the the QR Code. Lower values work for smaller QR Codes, larger values for large sizes (the signage sizes). The value defaults to 0 (which is the minimum) for the smaller sizes. It is a shame the system doesn't allow any dynamic values (change one, I update another for the user). I will add some tips and tricks to the description tomorrow. Thanks agin.
Thanks for the program, very good!
The designer has replied
Thank you, I greatly appreciate it. Thank you for the boost.
Very good, it is an amazing model
The designer has replied
Excellent use of the automatic stand, superb.
all it ever shows is text?
The designer has replied
I do not understand what you mean. The customiser shows al the choices including text, email, phone, url, vcard, wifi - all of which work. Set the choice in the first field "Data Type" and then enter your data as instructed. See the description in the model page.
used every one of them. only text come through
Replying to @MalcTheOracle :
used every one of them only text come through.
how do you customise it?
The designer has replied
You press the customise button when using a desktop or laptop and it should launch a new window with all of the customisations and a preview display. You can then export your chosen configuration after you have set your choices. If you are on a Mac, Safari browser may not be compatible. This is a Bambu Lab issue.
if it's browser based is there a URL for Mac users ?
How can i change the size of the qr code? Thanks
The designer has replied
Open the [Dimension] Tab in the CUSTOMIZER. 'Size' sets the width and height of the QR Code in mm. 'Border' sets the size of the space outside the QR Code in mm. 'Base_Height' sets the thickness of the background, 'Data_Height' sets the thickness of the QR Code in mm. Check all the tabs to experience the 55 settings and counting.
I made one qr code but I can’t scan it.It should be a WhatsApp link .What I doing wrong here?My iPhone can’t detect the qr code
Replying to @user_2512314314 :
Feel free to direct message me with the data you entered so I can recreate it here and I will take a look at it to see if there is an issue I can help with.
The idea is very original and it's pretty cool. But it could be great to add the Company and the Cell Phone field for the vCard.
The designer has replied
Thank you, I really appreciate it. Thank you also for the boost. Phone is there, just not one specifically for mobile phones (cellphones). There is a v4 coming in the next couple of days with a lot of new features. I will add your recommendations and a couple of other related fields.
Replying to @MalcTheOracle :
Thanks for you reply and working on improvement. About the Phone Field, personnaly I need a phone field for the fix phone and a second field for the cell phone. A field for Fax phone number could be great but Fax a not use very much (and I don't have one anymore).
The designer has replied
Thank you, I really appreciate it. Keep an eye out on my uploads over the next couple of days, you may spot a couple of things you also like, entirely coincidental.
fantastic print
The designer has replied
I really appreciate it, thanks.
Very nice
The designer has replied
I really appreciate that, thank you. I am also grateful for the boost.


This user content is licensed under a Standard Digital File License.

You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.