Definition Derby tile game

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Definition Derby tile game


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A1 mini
X1 Carbon

Game pieces all plates 15% infill 1 color
Game pieces all plates 15% infill 1 color
50.1 h
3 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


A game full word guessing for everyone to enjoy.The game was made in fusion 360 and dose take 50+ hours to complete but once done you will not regret it the tiles are very durable and will last you a long time to have a lot of fun.There are 4 game modes and each has a different set of rules the 4 game modes are: Jeopardy Definition Derby,Tic-Tac-Toe Definition Derby,Wordy Definition Derby, and Word Wonder Definition Derby.These are the rules for each game mode:

Rules for Jeopardy Definition Derby:


  • The tiles are arranged in a 5x5 grid shape with 25 tiles total.
  • There are two teams, with anywhere from 1 to 10 players per team.


  • Players take turns picking tiles with words and then trying to guess the definition of the word on the selected tile.
  • If the guess is correct, the team earns the respective number of points on the tile, determined by the row of the tile.
  • If the guess is incorrect, the turn is passed on to the other team, and the team's turn is skipped.
  • Once a tile has been guessed, correct or not, it is taken out of the grid and cannot be guessed for points again.


  • There are special tiles called "starter tiles" (S.T.), which are worth extra points.There are 5 starter tiles placed at the start of the rows, indicated by the CH indicator.
  • The points earned from starter tiles depend on how many tiles the team has collected:
    • 1 starter tile = 6 points
    • 2 starter tiles = 10 points
    • 3 starter tiles = 13
    • 4 starter tiles = 15 points
    • 5 starter tiles = 17 points
  • At the end of the game, both teams add up their points to find their total.


  • The team with the most points at the end of the game wins

Rules for Tic-Tac-Toe Definition Derby:


  • The tiles are arranged in in a 3x3 grid you can use 9 randomly decided tiles from the normal 25.
  • There will be two players playing against each other in each round.
  • Each player will discuss if they want to be an x or an o once this is decided the players can begin the game!
  • Players will mark if the tile is an x or an o by first flipping the tile to the definition side and then turning it sideways for an X and just flipping the tile normally to the definition side without anything else for an o.


  • Players will take turns picking a tile and trying to guess the definition.
  • If the person has guessed correct then they will mark that as their x or o.
  • Players who guess the tile they picked incorrectly will get their turn skipped and moved on the the other player and the tile must be switched out with another one of the 25 tiles.
  • The person who guessed the tile incorrectly will have to switch out the tile for a new one.

How to win:

  • The way that you win in this game mode is by getting three in a row and the rest of the rules are the same to Tic-Tac-Toe.

Extra grids:

If you want to add a fun twist into the game then heres how:

  1. Add more tiles on to the grid to make it a 4x4 grid instead of 3x3 grid.
  2. When you change the grid you make it so that you have to get 4 in a row in order to win.
  3. You can get a 4 in a row or 3 in a row by getting 3 or 4 tiles in a vertical line or in a sideways line.You can also get a 4 or 3 in a row by getting all 3 or 4 tiles in a diagonal line in any direction.

Rules for Wordy Definition Derby:


  • There are anywhere from 2 to 10 players playing against each other in a game.
  • Each player will get tiles from the 25 tiles provided. The number of tiles will be divided equally to each player. Here is how to divide the tiles for all number on players:
  • 2 players = 12 tiles per player 1 tile left over.
  • 3 players = 8 tiles per player 1 tile left over.
  • 4 players = 6 tiles per player 1 tile left over.
  • 5 players = 5 tiles per player 0 tiles left over.
  • 6 players = 4 tiles per player 1 tile left over.
  • 7 players = 3 tiles per player 4 tiles left over.
  • 8 players = 3 tiles per player 1 tile left over.
  • 9 players = 2 tiles per player 7 left over.
  • 10 players = 2 tiles per player 5 left over.
  • The way you pick tiles is by first setting all the tiles “description side” up on the surface you are playing on, then tiles will be picked randomly with the chart above to show how many tiles each person gets.
  • Turn order: youngest player goes first.
  • Do not show the other players the words on your tiles. Keep all of your tiles description side up, but you are allowed to look at your own tiles just don’t show anyone.
  • Each player will identify a location for their “trash pile” and “win pile”. The win pile will be for the tiles guessed correctly and the trash pile is for the tiles you guess incorrectly. Lastly, the “randomly selected” tile pile is for the tiles you got at the beginning of the game.


  • The player who goes first will have the person to their left try and guess the word that they selected for them from their own (player 1) pile. Once that is done then that player who just guessed will make the player to their left guess the tile they selected and the game will continue on until each player has no tiles left in their main pile.


  • On player 1’s turn they will try and guess the word of the tile player 2 has selected for player 1 by the description that player 2 will announce for player 1.
  • After player one has guessed the word, if they got it right they get that tile and put it in a win pile which is separate from the tiles that you have randomly picked at the beginning of the game.Once a tile has be guessed it cannot be guessed again.
  • If you guess the tile incorrectly then you will still get the tile but have to put in in your trash pile witch is different from the other 2 piles.
  • Whether the word is guessed correctly or not, after the player makes their guess, the game moves to the next person.


  • The way to determine who is the winer is by each player looking at all the point numbers on their tiles in their win pile and adding all of the points up to get a final number.You can add the numbers on a piece of paper or just do it in your head.


  • The person who wins is the person who has the most points at the end of the game (when all tiles have been used).
  • If there is a tie between two players on points then they will do a Best Out Of Three round in “Rock, Paper, Scissors” and whoever wins is the official winer of Wordy Definition Derby.

Extra stuff:

  • Here at Definition Derby we do recommend playing the other 3 game modes “Tic-Tac-Toe Definition Derby”,“Jeopardy Definition Derby”, and “Word Wonder Definition Derby” to better understand the definitions of the words.Thats all have a great time playing definition derby!

Rules for Word Wonder Definition Derby:


  • To setup the game you need to first put all the tiles into 5 stacks sorted by the Ch number on each tile.
  • There is 1 referee and 2 teams with anywhere from 1 to 10 players per teams that will sit across from each other wherever you are playing and the referee will sit in the middle of the two teams and flip over the first tile in the first stack witch should be the chapter 1 pile.
  • The tiles will be placed next to the referee lined up in order by the Ch number starting from the smallest number and moving up.
  • The referee will start at the lowest Ch number and once that pile is done then you do the next pile and so on until all the stacked are gone.


  • First the referee will grab the first tile and read the word on the first tile.Then the teams at the same time when the referee says go will try and guess the definition of the word.
  • Which ever team guesses the definition of the word correctly first will get the points shown on the tile where the tile says points.
  • If the one of the teams guesses the tile incorrectly then both teams will continue the guessing until one of the teams guesses correctly.
  • The referee will call out the team that guessed the tile correctly fastest and then proceed to give that team the respective amount of points as explained earlier.


  • The way you score points is by guessing the tile correctly and then the referee will give that team the points.


  • The way you win in this game mode is by getting the most points at the end of the game.
  • If the teams have the same amount of points witch is rare then the referee will pick the team who worked the hardest and put in lots of effort.



Special tile bonus:

  • There is a special tile bonus for the amount of tiles you have at the end of the game but you add this to the amount of points on the tiles this chart together to find out your total points here is the chart for the special tile bonus:
  • 1 corect țile = 2 points
  • 2 correct tiles = 4points
  • 3 correct tiles = 6 points
  • 4 correct tiles = 8 points
  • 5 correct tiles = 10 points
  • 6 correct tiles = 13 points
  • 7 correct tiles = 16 points
  • 8 correct tiles = 19 points
  • 9 correct tiles = 21 points
  • 10 correct tiles = 24 points
  • There is no tile bonus for 11 - 25 tiles correct because those would make the game unfair and it will the hard to get that many tiles correct in one game.

Extra stuff:

Here at Definition Derby we do recommend playing the other 3 game modes “Tic-Tac-Toe Definition Derby”, “Jeopardy Definition Derby”,and “wordy Definition Derby to better understand the definitions of the words and have more fun. Thats all have a great time playing definition derby!



If you have any ideas on what new games I should make next leave a comment and tell me what parts would be needed and the rules but, the game doesn't have to be related to this game it can be new.Try and not make a game that already exists.

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