Asice from the cover needing supports, it all printed perfect the first time. Printed in eSun PETG Basic and Bambu PETG-CF. Using this, I can slice my bread to store-bought slice thickness or a little thicker, works great!
The base top and bottom fit perhaps a bit too tight - very hard to take apart. I'll try sanding them some more.
Were I to do this again, I would use the profile for the base that ignores the top ridges and prints it upside down - it would save a whole ton of support material and time. I did print the slicing tines down flat rather than vertically - it provides a larger 'sticky' surface that I figured would have a better chance of not losing adhesion near the end where I'd lose the whole print
Looking forward to using this for my home made breads. Just starting this print. Using PLA. I should have studied the different profiles more closely. I printed the base with the supports profile - 150g of wasted support material and hours longer than had I chosen the simpler, upside-down print version, which I'm certain would have sufficed.
I printed the sides with the horizontal orientation profile and they printed well, as did the back plate and bottom box. Nice work on the design!
I’m new to printing so have no experience with this, but this project is giving me trouble. I’ve tried PTEG and PLA and get same results. All other projects, before and after this one, come out fine.
I needed a device like this. I have printed it and tested it with the bread we make at home, which is 140 mm high, so I have redesigned the piece that guides the knife to the maximum possible height so that it can still be stored inside the base.
These guides, although they fit snugly to the base, come out of the back when pressing the bread against the stop and cutting the slice, so I will redesign the guides by adding a protrusion at one end.
The stop plate is also loose. I think that by putting a kind of "L" on the sides to hold the stop plate together with the guides, everything will be more firm.
I liked that all the pieces can be stored inside the base.
I used a 0.8mm nozzle and a layer height of 0.4mm, with PETG+HS from eSUN.
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