Filamentopedia Swatch

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Filamentopedia Swatch


Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

0.2mm, 100% IF, Outer/Inner Walls - Filamentopedia Starter
0.2mm, 100% IF, Outer/Inner Walls - Filamentopedia Starter
1 h
3 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


filamentopedia printannica

I created a web site to see if I could generate accurate adhesive address label sheets using web technologies and it worked well. I started to catalog Bambu Lab filaments and then Polymaker and it ended up being a pretty useful resource for me to quickly look-up, compare and shop for multiple filaments when having the site hosted locally, so I've published it online for everyone to use.


I've been toying with it for a long time, adding new features and testing coding approaches. I currently have 3 manufacturers and have automated updaters for the related filament data. I created my own swatch models to go along with it and that lead me down the path of figuring out a way to automate not only the inkjet/laser labels but also 3D printed responsive text with OpenSCAD. The only manual part of the process that is remaining is creating the Bambu Studio printing profiles for each collection.

Site Features:

  • Filament data: organized by Material, Manufacturer, Collection, Features and Colors
  • Search filters: select tags or free search
  • Print at any time: you can click the print button at the top or use the keyboard shortcut and it'll format the current set of filtered filaments to print on 1" x 2-5/8" address label sheet. (I recommended Trunium Address Labels, the Avery ones I tried were awful.) There are sacrificial rows as printers are not accurate enough for the full background colors used.
  • Color data is primarily from the published HEX color codes where available and color dropper values from product shots otherwise. I also have a colorimeter and I'll add values from those measurements soon for the filaments I've printed.
  • Click on a swatch for filament details and link to manufacturer's site.
Adhesive Address Labels

Swatches: Adhesive Label, AMS and Single-Color versions

Adhesive Labels, AMS and Single-Color versions

The STL for the non-text adhesive label swatch is attached to this listing, along with starter swatches for the AMS and Single-Color versions. (And each are included in the associated print profile.) 

Generated Swatches

With only three manufacturers, there are already close to 600 individual filaments on the site. I think there will need to be different listings for the each combination of Manufacturers and Collections. I've created the 38 printing profiles for all the Bambu filaments first and will add those as soon as this listing is complete. I'll be adding Polymaker profiles after that.

Bambu Lab swatches:

Additional pre-generated swatches coming soon…




There is also a swatch tray with multiple variations of columns and slots-per-column that is complete and I'll upload after the Bambu Labs filament swatches.


Creating Custom New Labels

Anyone can use the OpenSCAD file and built-in customizer to generate new text for AMS and Single-Color swatches right now without having to update code or figure out complicated modeling software. 

OpenSCAD with Customizer tab

You will need to have Roboto and Roboto Condensed fonts installed on your machine to match the other swatches. (Unfortunately, the MakerWorld Customize function does not support the Roboto fonts, but it supports the responsive text features.)

The Customizer panel in OpenSCAD displays form inputs that will create responsive text by shrinking the font size, separating to multiple lines or truncating where needed. (You will need a nightly build from within the last year or so for this feature.) 

Enter your text, select the ‘Label’ part to export, then click the render and export to STL buttons to produce the STL for the text. 

Use ‘Replace with STL’ in Bambu Studio

In Bambu Studio, click on the filament-text.stl part in the Objects list and replace it with the newly generated STL from OpenSCAD. (I'll add full directions soon for updating the material part and describing the differences between the AMS and Single-Color versions.)

Comment & Rating (4)

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i really love your project but is not clear hot to print a single label
The designer has replied
On the website? You can use a combination of the filter tags and the Search input. If you wanted to print the Ash Grey by Polymaker: • Type 'ash' into the Search input at the bottom left of the filter section, which would filter and display two swatches: Ash Grey from Bambu Lab and Ash Grey from Polymaker • Then select the Polymaker tag in the Manufacturers row of the filters. (You may need to expand the filter row if you had previously closed it, the expand/collapse button is in the middle of the row that has the Search input.) • Click the Print Labels button at the top or use the keyboard shortcut (cmd + p or ctrl + p) for your operating system/browser to generate the template. See attach photo below for the results. This would work but it's inefficient because you'd use a single label sheet for a single filament color. I print a Collection or multiple Collections at once myself. (For example: Bambu Lab PLA Matte and PLA Basic together.) I have plans to create custom sets so you could search for a filament, add it to a new or existing custom set, and then print the full custom set when ready. Now that I've launched the site and published the models, it's one of the higher priority items for me. Summer is crazy for me as a dad, so it'll be a few weeks at least but I'm hoping to add this feature and others over the next month or two.
Super boulot !!!!! ton site est nickel ! je salut la patience qu'il t'as fallut pour tout enregistrer! je voudrais juste savoir si tu vas continuer avec d'autres marques tel que " Overture ou Esun " ?? ;) en tout cas chapeau !
The designer has replied
Merci! Yes, I absolutely want to add additional manufacturers to the site: eSun, Overture, Fillamentum, 3DJake, Hatchbox, Eryone, Sunlu, Elegoo, Flashforge, Voxel...and on and on. I started with Bambu Lab and Polymaker because they publish HEX color values for most of their filaments. I can scrape the filament data of any manufacturer that publishes their product collections on their websites. But the color information has to come from picking a single color from product renders or printed sample photos for each filament if they don't list HEX or other color codes. (I tag those colors differently on my site, see photo below.) If any manufacturer publishes any sort of color codes, I'll fast-track them on the site. But I enjoy the data wrangling and hope to have most of those manufacturers listed in the next couple weeks.
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